- Версия SA-MP
- 0.3.7 (R1)
- Любая
There was a script that blocks enter / return if it was pressed multiple times
Im a cop in a police Car and I spot some criminal then I spam enter / return / F button to go out of the car .. Sometimes it makes me exit the vehicle then enters it back so I want a script that disables return / enter / f button from being spammed for a short period of time to avoid this issue
"entering the vehicle by mistake again by pressing enter/return/f button multiple times. Thank you
Oh never mind I found it guys
Someone delete this thread or lock it
Im a cop in a police Car and I spot some criminal then I spam enter / return / F button to go out of the car .. Sometimes it makes me exit the vehicle then enters it back so I want a script that disables return / enter / f button from being spammed for a short period of time to avoid this issue
"entering the vehicle by mistake again by pressing enter/return/f button multiple times. Thank you
Oh never mind I found it guys

Lua - fixCarLeave [фикс для ловцов]
большинство ловцов или просто людей иногда дважды нажимают enter при входе в тс и их персонаж выходит так вот с этим фиксом выход из тс блокируется на полторы секунды при посадке в тс, т.е даже с флудом enter'ом или любой кнопкой выхода с тс с него не ливнуть в течении 1.5 сек после посадки...

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