[14:20:25.941] Invalid value '5000' in chatbox_logging[1]
[14:20:25.943] BUG: fly_vehicle_heliMode[] has no data entries
[14:20:25.944] Warning: setting 'admin[]' was not present in the .ini file
[14:20:25.944] Warning: setting 'admin[]' was not present in the .ini file
[14:20:25.944] Warning: setting 'coord_time' was not present in the .ini file
[14:20:25.944] Warning: setting 'coord_distance' was not present in the .ini file
[14:20:25.944] Warning: setting 'fly_vehicle_heliMode' was not present in the .ini file
[14:20:25.944] SA:MP 0.3z was detected. g_dwSAMP_Addr: 0x04170000
[14:21:12.118] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:21:12.118] s0beit by _Sk1F_ testing_version_only_crash has crashed.
[14:21:12.118] Base address: 0x06ED0000, SA:MP base address: 0x04170000
[14:21:12.118] Exception at address: 0x0421D973, Last function processed: PedCamUp()
[14:21:12.118] Attempted to read from: 0xc53437d2
[14:21:12.118] EAX: 0xc53437d2 || ESI: 0x00000000
[14:21:12.118] EBX: 0x88760869 || EDI: 0x0470e470
[14:21:12.118] ECX: 0xc53437d2 || EBP: 0x0470e4a4
[14:21:12.118] EDX: 0x04491530 || ESP: 0x0028fcc0
[14:21:12.118] ---------------------------------------------------------------------