- 681
- 77
здравствуйте есть Клео которое регулирует громкость радио как переделать на общую громкость гта самп
клео код:
// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
wait 5000
0AF0: 1@ = get_int_from_ini_file "FILES\CONFIG.INI" section "KEY" key "RADIO1"
0AF0: 2@ = get_int_from_ini_file "FILES\CONFIG.INI" section "KEY" key "RADIO2"
0A8D: 0@ = read_memory 12216216 size 1 virtual_protect 0
wait 0
if and
key_down 1@
else_jump @Noname_172
not 0@ > 64
else_jump @Noname_91
0@ += 1
0AA6: call_method 5271008 struct 11975824 num_params 1 pop 0 0@
wait 100
jump @Noname_91
wait 0
if and
key_down 2@
else_jump @Noname_91
0@ > 0
else_jump @Noname_91
0@ += -1
0AA6: call_method 5271008 struct 11975824 num_params 1 pop 0 0@
wait 100
jump @Noname_91