Тут как бы код нужен, люди пока не вангуют
function luahud()
fonticons = renderCreateFont("Arial", fic, 12)
hp = renderLoadTextureFromFile("moonloader/img/HUD/hp.png")
playerHP = getCharHealth(playerPed)
resX, resY = getScreenResolution()
cX1 = resX / 1.1900826446281
cY1 = resY / 20.93023255814
szX1 = resX / 32
szY1 = resY / 18
posX1 = resX / 1.1464968152866
posY1 = resY / 15.789473684211
xx1 = resX * playerHP
xx1_1 = xx1 / 9.1139240506329
roX1 = xx1_1 / 100
roY1 = resY / 45
psX1 = resX / 1.089258698941
psY1 = resY / 16.363636363636
fic = resY / 75
sampTextdrawSetPos(0, 4600, 4800)
renderDrawTexture(hp, cX1, cY1, szX1, szY1, 0, -1)
if 0 <= playerHP then
if playerHP <= 100 then
renderDrawBox(posX1, posY1, roX1, roY1, 4294724684)
hpp = string.format("%d", playerHP)
renderFontDrawText(fonticons, hpp, psX1, psY1, 4294967295)
Вот вызов функции в main():
if HPhud.v and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not isSampfuncsConsoleActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() then
Вызывается функция через imgui.Checkbox('TESTHP', HPhud)