Информация НОПы, NOP, Offsets, Оффсеты для SAMP 0.3z

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нестандартное звание звание звание звание звани...
Автор темы
Делимся своими находками​
Смещение | Значение | Название
0x65408 | 0x9090 | Keep GTA Hud turned on​
0x41E0 | 0xC3 | Disable onfoot data​
0x4A90 | 0xC390 | NOP SendDeath​
0x36D0 | 0xC390 | NOP SpawnPlayer​
0xCE7CC | 0x0000FF4F | Disable (dl) distance limit​
0x5530 | 0xC3 | Disable weapon data (by gcode)​
0x4BF0 | 0xC390 | NOP SendDeath (by gcode)​
0x5AB39 | 0x9090909090 | Anticrasher (by gcode)​
g_bIsDebug            0x2120E8
g_bShowDl              0x212AA0
g_bWannaTakeScreenshot 0x113C04
g_pCientDialog        0x212A40
g_pD3DDevice          0x212A30
g_pDialogChat        0x212B0C
g_pDialogCient        0x212B18
g_pDialogClassSelector 0x212B14
g_pDialogHelp          0x212A60
g_pDialogScoreBoard    0x212B10
g_pFontRenderer        0x212A84
g_pSampChatWindow      0x212A6C
g_pSampGameInfo        0x212A94
g_pSampInfo          0x212A80
g_pScoreBoard          0x212A3C
g_pSettingController  0x212A68
CBitStream::Write                      0x1A150
CChatWindow::AddInfoMessage            0x7A980
CChatWindow::DrawChat                  0x7A250
CChatWindow::Render                    0x7A710
CChatWindow::RenderText                0x79D80
CChatWindow::ResetDialogControls      0x7A1B0
CClientDialog::InitInterface          0x81520
CDXUTDialog::AddButton                0xA1F80
CDXUTDialog::AddIMEEditBox            0xA2320
CDXUTDialog::Constructor              0x9DE90
CDXUTDialog::Destructor              0x9DF60
CDXUTDialog::Init                      0xA1B30
CDXUTDialog::OnRender                  0xA1B50
CDXUTDialog::SetCallback              0x95DA0
CFontRenderer::DrawChatText          0x7CCF0
CFontRenderer::DrawTextLittle          0x7CE70
CFontRenderer::GetChatTextRect        0x7CB90
CFontRenderer::GetLittleTextRect      0x7CC40
CHelpDialog::Show                      0x7D4F0
CLabel::BeginDrawing                  0x7D620
CLabel::Draw                          0x7D640
CSampGameInfo::GetPlayerPed          0x1010
CScoreBoard::Draw                    0x80D80
CScoreBoard::InitInterface            0x807D0
CSettingController::AddItem            0x5FC90
CSettingController::GetIntVariable    0x5FD50
CSettingController::GetItemIndexByName 0x5FBD0
CSettingController::SaveSettingToFile  0x5FF10
CSettingController::SetSetting        0x5FFC0
DrawDebugInfo                        0x5AE50
HookedDirect3DDevice9__Present        0x86B60
InitInterface                          0xAED10
RenderActorTags                        0x86770
RenderPlayerTags                    0x85670
sampPatch[] = "Keep GTA Hud turned on"  &0 1 0x65408 "" "9090"
sampPatch[] = "No connecting delay"    &0 1 0x2AE035 "" "0000"
# Data Getting Sent
sampPatch[] = "Disable incar data"    &0 0 0x6140 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable aiming data"    &0 0 0x4670 "" "C3"
#sampPatch[] = "Disable money data"    &0 0 0x50D0 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable onfoot data"    &0 0 0x41E0 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable passenger data"    &0 0 0x4830 "" "C3"
#sampPatch[] = "Disable unoccupied data"  &0 0 0x5E00 "" "C20800"
#sampPatch[] = "Disable weapon data"    &0 0 0x5660 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable spec data"    &0 0 0x5750 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetWeather"    &0 0 0xB2C0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetGravity"    &0 0 0x15940  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetWorldTime"    &0 0 0xB1D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerTime"    &0 0 0xB5A0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PlayCrimeReportForPlayer"    &0 0 0x13D40  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PlaySoundForPlayer"  &0 0 0x14FA0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP CreateExplosion"    &0 0 0x16960 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint"  &0 0 0xC400  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerWantedLevel"  &0 0 0x17810 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP EnableStuntBonus"  &0 0 0x12B20  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PlayAudioStream"    &0 0 0x17EE0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP StopAudioStream"    &0 0 0x12E60 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP RemoveBuilding"    &0 0 0x17BB0 "" "C390"
##Player Specific
sampPatch[] = "NOP ResetPlayerMoney"  &0 0 0x12E00  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP GivePlayerMoney"    &0 0 0x152B0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ResetPlayerWeapons"  &0 0 0x12E10  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP GivePlayerWeapon"  &0 0 0x14E20 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerAmmo"    &0 0 0x153F0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerArmedWeapon"  &0 0 0x13B50 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerCameraLookAt"  &0 0 0x147F0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerCameraPos"  &0 0 0x14720  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetCameraBehindPlayer"  &0 0 0x12DF0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerWorldBounds"  &0 0 0x15080  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerShopName"  &0 0 0x12BC0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP InterpolateCamera"    &0 0 0x14D60 "" "C390"
##Player Actor
sampPatch[] = "NOP TogglePlayerControllable"    &0 0 0x14F00  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerInterior"  &0 0 0x14680  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerPos"    &0 0 0x13FA0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerDrunkLevel"  &0 0 0x13AB0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerFacingAngle"  &0 0 0x15210  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerAnimation"    &0 0 0x155C0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ClearPlayerAnimation"  &0 0 0x13290  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerSpecialAction"  &0 0 0x133A0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerHealth"    &0 0 0x141D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerArmor"    &0 0 0x157D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerVelocity"  &0 0 0x13550 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP TogglePlayerSpectating"  &0 0 0x16EE0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PlayerSpectatePlayer"  &0 0 0x16F90 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PlayerSpectateVehicle"  &0 0 0x17070 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerFightingStyle"  &0 0 0x13450 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerSkillLevel"  &0 0 0xB760 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerSkin"    &0 0 0x13E80 "" "C390"
##Player Vehicle
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehiclePosition"  &0 0 0x148F0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleVelocity"  &0 0 0x13650 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleHealth"  &0 0 0x159E0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PutPlayerInVehicle"  &0 0 0x14280  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP RemovePlayerFromVehicle"  &0 0 0x12D60  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP AddCarComponent"    &0 0 0xB400 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP RemoveCarComponents"  &0 0 0x17150 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"    &0 0 0xD080 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP AttachTrailer"    &0 0 0x15AC0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP DetachTrailer"    &0 0 0x15C00 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP SetEngineState"    &0 0 0x78560 "" "C20400"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleParams"  &0 0 0x14660 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleParamsEx"  &0 0 0xD190 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleInterior"  &0 0 0x14730 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleZAngle"    &0 0 0x14590 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP CreateObject"    &0 0 0x15FB0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetObjectPos"    &0 0 0x16660 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetObjectRot"    &0 0 0x16770 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP MoveObject"    &0 0 0x16B50 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP StopObject"    &0 0 0x16D00 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP DestroyObject"    &0 0 0x16870 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP Attach Object To Player"  &0 0 0x17230 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP AttachCameraToObject"  &0 0 0x14C60 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP EditObject"    &0 0 0xD8D0 "" "C390"
##Anything Text Related
sampPatch[] = "NOP ShowGameText"    &0 0 0x14570 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ShowTextDraw"    &0 0 0x178B0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP HideTextDraw"    &0 0 0x179E0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ShowMenu"    &0 0 0x176B0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP HideMenu"    &0 0 0x17760 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerChatBubble"  &0 0 0xB8D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ShowPlayerDialog"  &0 0 0x17760"" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "Mute Player Chat"    &0 0 0xDDA0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "Mute Server Chat"    &0 0 0xB110 "" "C390"
##Generic Other
sampPatch[] = "Disable take damage data" &0 0 0x5AA0 "" "C21000"
sampPatch[] = "Disable give damage data" &0 0 0x5BB0 "" "C21000"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP AddDeathMessage"    &0 0 0x17DD0 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP ForceClassSelection"  &0 0 0xAFD0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SendDeath"    &0 0 0x4A90 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SpawnPlayer"    &0 0 0x36D0 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "Debug mode"      &0 0 0x2120A0 "" "01000000"
sampPatch[] = "Disable (dl) distance limit"  &0 0 0xCE7CC "" "0000FF4F"
sampPatch[] = "NOP RestartGame" &0 0 0x9280 "" "C390" 

sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerChatBubble"            &0 0 0xBB00  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleParams (by iMaddy)" &0 0 0x14AD0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleParamsEx (by iMaddy)" &0 0 0xD440 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleInterior (by iMaddy)" &0 0 0x14BA0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleZAngle (by iMaddy)" &0 0 0x14A00 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "Debug mode" &0 0 0x2120E8 "" "01000000"
sampPatch[] = "Disable money data" &0 0 0x4FA0 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "NOP UpdateVehicleDamageStatus" &0 0 0xB410 "" "C390"


один час посидел за компом
g_bIsDebug            0x2120E8
g_bShowDl              0x212AA0
g_bWannaTakeScreenshot 0x113C04
g_pCientDialog        0x212A40
g_pD3DDevice          0x212A30
g_pDialogChat        0x212B0C
g_pDialogCient        0x212B18
g_pDialogClassSelector 0x212B14
g_pDialogHelp          0x212A60
g_pDialogScoreBoard    0x212B10
g_pFontRenderer        0x212A84
g_pSampChatWindow      0x212A6C
g_pSampGameInfo        0x212A94
g_pSampInfo          0x212A80
g_pScoreBoard          0x212A3C
g_pSettingController  0x212A68
CBitStream::Write                      0x1A150 
CChatWindow::AddInfoMessage            0x7A980 
CChatWindow::DrawChat                  0x7A250 
CChatWindow::Render                    0x7A710 
CChatWindow::RenderText                0x79D80 
CChatWindow::ResetDialogControls      0x7A1B0 
CClientDialog::InitInterface          0x81520 
CDXUTDialog::AddButton                0xA1F80 
CDXUTDialog::AddIMEEditBox            0xA2320 
CDXUTDialog::Constructor              0x9DE90 
CDXUTDialog::Destructor              0x9DF60 
CDXUTDialog::Init                      0xA1B30 
CDXUTDialog::OnRender                  0xA1B50 
CDXUTDialog::SetCallback              0x95DA0 
CFontRenderer::DrawChatText          0x7CCF0 
CFontRenderer::DrawTextLittle          0x7CE70 
CFontRenderer::GetChatTextRect        0x7CB90 
CFontRenderer::GetLittleTextRect      0x7CC40 
CHelpDialog::Show                      0x7D4F0 
CLabel::BeginDrawing                  0x7D620 
CLabel::Draw                          0x7D640 
CSampGameInfo::GetPlayerPed          0x1010 
CScoreBoard::Draw                    0x80D80 
CScoreBoard::InitInterface            0x807D0 
CSettingController::AddItem            0x5FC90 
CSettingController::GetIntVariable    0x5FD50 
CSettingController::GetItemIndexByName 0x5FBD0 
CSettingController::SaveSettingToFile  0x5FF10 
CSettingController::SetSetting        0x5FFC0 
DrawDebugInfo                        0x5AE50 
HookedDirect3DDevice9__Present        0x86B60 
InitInterface                          0xAED10 
RenderActorTags                        0x86770 
RenderPlayerTags                    0x85670
  • Нравится
Реакции: SR_team, itsLegend и gcode


один час посидел за компом
g_bIsDebug            0x2120E8
g_bShowDl              0x212AA0
g_bWannaTakeScreenshot 0x113C04
g_pCientDialog        0x212A40
g_pD3DDevice          0x212A30
g_pDialogChat        0x212B0C
g_pDialogCient        0x212B18
g_pDialogClassSelector 0x212B14
g_pDialogHelp          0x212A60
g_pDialogScoreBoard    0x212B10
g_pFontRenderer        0x212A84
g_pSampChatWindow      0x212A6C
g_pSampGameInfo        0x212A94
g_pSampInfo          0x212A80
g_pScoreBoard          0x212A3C
g_pSettingController  0x212A68
CBitStream::Write                      0x1A150
CChatWindow::AddInfoMessage            0x7A980
CChatWindow::DrawChat                  0x7A250
CChatWindow::Render                    0x7A710
CChatWindow::RenderText                0x79D80
CChatWindow::ResetDialogControls      0x7A1B0
CClientDialog::InitInterface          0x81520
CDXUTDialog::AddButton                0xA1F80
CDXUTDialog::AddIMEEditBox            0xA2320
CDXUTDialog::Constructor              0x9DE90
CDXUTDialog::Destructor              0x9DF60
CDXUTDialog::Init                      0xA1B30
CDXUTDialog::OnRender                  0xA1B50
CDXUTDialog::SetCallback              0x95DA0
CFontRenderer::DrawChatText          0x7CCF0
CFontRenderer::DrawTextLittle          0x7CE70
CFontRenderer::GetChatTextRect        0x7CB90
CFontRenderer::GetLittleTextRect      0x7CC40
CHelpDialog::Show                      0x7D4F0
CLabel::BeginDrawing                  0x7D620
CLabel::Draw                          0x7D640
CSampGameInfo::GetPlayerPed          0x1010
CScoreBoard::Draw                    0x80D80
CScoreBoard::InitInterface            0x807D0
CSettingController::AddItem            0x5FC90
CSettingController::GetIntVariable    0x5FD50
CSettingController::GetItemIndexByName 0x5FBD0
CSettingController::SaveSettingToFile  0x5FF10
CSettingController::SetSetting        0x5FFC0
DrawDebugInfo                        0x5AE50
HookedDirect3DDevice9__Present        0x86B60
InitInterface                          0xAED10
RenderActorTags                        0x86770
RenderPlayerTags                    0x85670
шикарно, а какие параметры?


Может я как-то не так использую?
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if
0AA2: 0@ = load_library "kernel32.dll" // IF and SET
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_202
00D6: if
0AA4: 1@ = get_proc_address "GetModuleHandleA" library 0@ // IF and SET
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_197
0AA7: call_function 1@ num_params 1 pop 0 "samp.dll" 0@
wait 0
0adc: "1"
jf @Noname_96
0001: wait 3000 ms
0085: 1@ = 0@ // (int)
000A: 1@ += 0x212A6C //g_pSampChatWindow
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
0085: 2@ = 0@ // (int)
000A: 2@ += 0x7A980 // AddInfoMessage
0AA6: call_method 2@ struct 3@ num_params 5 pop 0 0 0xff5588ff 0 "TEXTTEXT" 8
0002: jump @Noname_96
0AA3: free_library 0@
0A93: end_custom_thread


like pancake
BH Team
Может я как-то не так использую?
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if
0AA2: 0@ = load_library "kernel32.dll" // IF and SET
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_202
00D6: if
0AA4: 1@ = get_proc_address "GetModuleHandleA" library 0@ // IF and SET
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_197
0AA7: call_function 1@ num_params 1 pop 0 "samp.dll" 0@
wait 0
0adc: "1"
jf @Noname_96
0001: wait 3000 ms
0085: 1@ = 0@ // (int)
000A: 1@ += 0x212A6C //g_pSampChatWindow
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 1
0085: 2@ = 0@ // (int)
000A: 2@ += 0x7A980 // AddInfoMessage
0AA6: call_method 2@ struct 3@ num_params 5 pop 0 0 0xff5588ff 0 "TEXTTEXT" 8
0002: jump @Noname_96
0AA3: free_library 0@
0A93: end_custom_thread

отправка сбщ "TEXTTEXT"?


like pancake
BH Team
С другого портала:
sampPatch[] = "Keep GTA Hud turned on (by iMaddy)" &0 1 0x65408 "" "9090"
sampPatch[] = No connecting delay (by springfield)" &0 1 0x2AE035 "" "0000"
sampPatch[] = "Disable incar data (by iMaddy)" &0 0 0x6140 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable onfoot data (by [CM]MishaN)" &0 0 0x41E0 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable aiming data(no tested)(by [CM]MishaN)" &0 0 0x4670 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable passenger data(by [CM]MishaN)" &0 0 0x4830 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable spec data(no tested)(by [CM]MishaN)" &0 0 0x5750 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "Disable weapon data(by [CM]MishaN)" &0 0 0x5530 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable take damage data(by [CM]MishaN)" &0 0 0x5AA0 "" "C21000"
sampPatch[] = "Disable give damage data(by [CM]MishaN)" &0 0 0x5BB0 "" "C21000"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SendDeath (by iMaddy)" &0 0 0x4A90 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SpawnPlayer (by iMaddy)" &0 0 0x36D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "Disable (dl) distance limit (by iMaddy)" &0 0 0xCE7CC "" "0000FF4F"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetWeather (by iMaddy)" &0 0 0xB2C0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetEngineState(by [CM]MishaN)" &0 0 0x78560 "" "C20400"
sampPatch[] = "NOP UpdateVehicleDamageStatus (by iMaddy)" &0 0 0x16670 "" "C390"


Фонд борьбы за жуков 🐞
До сий момент, я думал, что отправляется RPC(0AF9: say_msg), а оказывается все через функу.
Гонщик объяснил так: это функция отправки RPC пакета.
FUNC_SAY 0x4CA0 // by C-minus
1@ = SampBase
1@ += 0x4CA0
0AA5: call 1@ num_params 1 pop 0 "wowka"
  • Нравится
Реакции: SR_team и hnnssy


sampPatch[] = "Keep GTA Hud turned on"   &0 1 0x65408 "" "9090"
sampPatch[] = "No connecting delay"    &0 1 0x2AE035 "" "0000"
# Data Getting Sent
sampPatch[] = "Disable incar data"     &0 0 0x6140 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable aiming data"    &0 0 0x4670 "" "C3"
#sampPatch[] = "Disable money data"     &0 0 0x50D0 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable onfoot data"    &0 0 0x41E0 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable passenger data"    &0 0 0x4830 "" "C3"
#sampPatch[] = "Disable unoccupied data"   &0 0 0x5E00 "" "C20800"
#sampPatch[] = "Disable weapon data"    &0 0 0x5660 "" "C3"
sampPatch[] = "Disable spec data"    &0 0 0x5750 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetWeather"     &0 0 0xB2C0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetGravity"     &0 0 0x15940  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetWorldTime"    &0 0 0xB1D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerTime"    &0 0 0xB5A0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PlayCrimeReportForPlayer"    &0 0 0x13D40  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PlaySoundForPlayer"   &0 0 0x14FA0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP CreateExplosion"    &0 0 0x16960 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint"  &0 0 0xC400  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerWantedLevel"  &0 0 0x17810 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP EnableStuntBonus"   &0 0 0x12B20  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PlayAudioStream"    &0 0 0x17EE0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP StopAudioStream"    &0 0 0x12E60 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP RemoveBuilding"    &0 0 0x17BB0 "" "C390"
##Player Specific
sampPatch[] = "NOP ResetPlayerMoney"   &0 0 0x12E00  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP GivePlayerMoney"    &0 0 0x152B0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ResetPlayerWeapons"   &0 0 0x12E10   "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP GivePlayerWeapon"   &0 0 0x14E20 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerAmmo"    &0 0 0x153F0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerArmedWeapon"  &0 0 0x13B50 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerCameraLookAt"  &0 0 0x147F0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerCameraPos"   &0 0 0x14720  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetCameraBehindPlayer"  &0 0 0x12DF0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerWorldBounds"  &0 0 0x15080  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerShopName"   &0 0 0x12BC0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP InterpolateCamera"    &0 0 0x14D60 "" "C390"
##Player Actor
sampPatch[] = "NOP TogglePlayerControllable"    &0 0 0x14F00  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerInterior"   &0 0 0x14680  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerPos"    &0 0 0x13FA0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerDrunkLevel"   &0 0 0x13AB0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerFacingAngle"  &0 0 0x15210  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerAnimation"    &0 0 0x155C0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ClearPlayerAnimation"   &0 0 0x13290  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerSpecialAction"  &0 0 0x133A0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerHealth"    &0 0 0x141D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerArmor"    &0 0 0x157D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerVelocity"   &0 0 0x13550 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP TogglePlayerSpectating"  &0 0 0x16EE0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PlayerSpectatePlayer"  &0 0 0x16F90 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PlayerSpectateVehicle"  &0 0 0x17070 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerFightingStyle"  &0 0 0x13450 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerSkillLevel"   &0 0 0xB760 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerSkin"    &0 0 0x13E80 "" "C390"
##Player Vehicle
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehiclePosition"   &0 0 0x148F0  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleVelocity"   &0 0 0x13650 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleHealth"   &0 0 0x159E0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP PutPlayerInVehicle"   &0 0 0x14280  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP RemovePlayerFromVehicle"  &0 0 0x12D60  "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP AddCarComponent"    &0 0 0xB400 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP RemoveCarComponents"   &0 0 0x17150 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP UpdateVehicleDamageStatus"    &0 0 0xD080 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP AttachTrailer"    &0 0 0x15AC0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP DetachTrailer"    &0 0 0x15C00 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP SetEngineState"    &0 0 0x78560 "" "C20400"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleParams"   &0 0 0x14660 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleParamsEx"   &0 0 0xD190 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleInterior"   &0 0 0x14730 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP SetVehicleZAngle"    &0 0 0x14590 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP CreateObject"    &0 0 0x15FB0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetObjectPos"    &0 0 0x16660 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetObjectRot"    &0 0 0x16770 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP MoveObject"     &0 0 0x16B50 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP StopObject"     &0 0 0x16D00 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP DestroyObject"    &0 0 0x16870 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP Attach Object To Player"  &0 0 0x17230 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP AttachCameraToObject"  &0 0 0x14C60 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP EditObject"     &0 0 0xD8D0 "" "C390"
##Anything Text Related
sampPatch[] = "NOP ShowGameText"    &0 0 0x14570 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ShowTextDraw"    &0 0 0x178B0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP HideTextDraw"    &0 0 0x179E0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ShowMenu"     &0 0 0x176B0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP HideMenu"     &0 0 0x17760 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SetPlayerChatBubble"   &0 0 0xB8D0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP ShowPlayerDialog"   &0 0 0x17760"" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "Mute Player Chat"    &0 0 0xDDA0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "Mute Server Chat"    &0 0 0xB110 "" "C390"
##Generic Other
sampPatch[] = "Disable take damage data" &0 0 0x5AA0 "" "C21000"
sampPatch[] = "Disable give damage data" &0 0 0x5BB0 "" "C21000"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP AddDeathMessage"    &0 0 0x17DD0 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "NOP ForceClassSelection"   &0 0 0xAFD0 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SendDeath"     &0 0 0x4A90 "" "C390"
sampPatch[] = "NOP SpawnPlayer"     &0 0 0x36D0 "" "C390"
#sampPatch[] = "Debug mode"      &0 0 0x2120A0 "" "01000000"
sampPatch[] = "Disable (dl) distance limit"  &0 0 0xCE7CC "" "0000FF4F"
sampPatch[] = "NOP RestartGame" &0 0 0x9280 "" "C390"
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