- GivePlayerWeapon samp.dll 0x016C90
- ResetPlayerWeapons samp.dll + 0x014790
- TogglePlayerControllable samp.dll + 0x0168E0
- SetPlayerPos samp.dll + 0x015970
- SetPlayerHealth samp.dll + 0x015BA0
- ApplyAnimation samp.dll + 0x016FA0
- TogglePlayerSpectating samp.dll + 0x018990
- SetPlayerAmmo samp.dll + 0x017250
- SetVehicleHealth samp.dll + 0x0173B0
- SetPlayerArmedWeapon samp.dll + 0x015530
- SetPlayerArmour samp.dll + 0x0171A0
The above address is based on 0.3.7.
I would like to know the address 0.3 DL
anyone to help with this?