- 5
- 0
- Версия SA-MP
- 0.3.7 (R1)
ru: в этом коде я получаю 40 кадров в секунду, потому что шрифт создается каждую секунду, и как это исправить? я пытался написать этот код вне цикла, но тогда он не проверяет каждый раз, было ли изменено разрешение или нет
en: in this code i'm getting 40 fps because font creates every second and how can i fix it? i tried to write that code outside loop but then it doesn't check everytime if resolution has been changed or not
en: in this code i'm getting 40 fps because font creates every second and how can i fix it? i tried to write that code outside loop but then it doesn't check everytime if resolution has been changed or not
function main()
if not isSampfuncsLoaded() or not isSampLoaded() then return end
repeat wait(0) until isSampAvailable()
sampAddChatMessage('{C3B1E1}[DT] {FFFFFF}Warmatebit Chaitvirta by {C3B1E1}sulo {FFFFFF}| For EDRP | Gamoiyenet {C3B1E1}/dsettings', -1)
if not doesDirectoryExist("moonloader\\config") then createDirectory("moonloader\\config") end
if settings == nil then
settings = inicfg.load({
amount = 3,
key = 88,
enabled = true
}, '..\\config\\drugtimer.ini')
inicfg.save(settings, '..\\config\\drugtimer.ini')
sampRegisterChatCommand('dsettings', function()
while true do
local settings = inicfg.load(nil, direct)
if active == false and settings.SETTINGS.enabled == true then
local screenX, screenY = getScreenResolution()
local x = screenX * (pos[1] / 100)
local y = screenY * (pos[2] / 100)
if screenX > 1440 or screenX == 1440 then
my_font = renderCreateFont('Verdana', 14, font_flag.BOLD + 12)
renderFontDrawText(my_font, "Use!", x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF)
elseif screenX < 1440 or screenX > 1152 or screenX == 1152 then
my_font = renderCreateFont('Verdana', 9, font_flag.BOLD + 12)
renderFontDrawText(my_font, "Use!", x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF)
elseif screenX < 1152 or screenX > 640 or screenX == 640 then
my_font = renderCreateFont('Verdana', 2, font_flag.BOLD + 12)
renderFontDrawText(my_font, "Use!", x, y, 0xFFFFFFFF)
if wasKeyPressed(settings.SETTINGS.key) and active == false and not sampIsChatInputActive() and not sampIsDialogActive() and settings.SETTINGS.enabled == true then
local final_command = command .. " " .. settings.SETTINGS.amount -- Create a new variable instead of modifying the global command