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Есть у меня код 1 на глуа, зашифрован он обфускатором luaobfuscator.com, помогите его расшифровать и скажите как вы это сделали, очень нужен мне деобфускатор. [
CODE lang="lua" title="CODE"]local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function() return _ENV;end ;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack ;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...) local v18=1;local v19;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v30) if (v1(v30,2)==79) then local v90=0;while true do if (v90==0) then v19=v0(v3(v30,1,1));return "";end end else local v91=0;local v92;while true do if (v91==0) then v92=v2(v0(v30,16));if v19 then local v123=0;local v124;while true do if (v123==1) then return v124;end if (v123==0) then v124=v5(v92,v19);v19=nil;v123=1;end end else return v92;end break;end end end end);local function v20(v31,v32,v33) if v33 then local v93=(v31/((5 -3)^(v32-((879 -(282 + 595)) -(1638 -(1523 + 114))))))%((3 -1)^(((v33-(2 -1)) -(v32-1)) + (620 -(555 + 64)))) ;return v93-(v93%1) ;else local v94=931 -(857 + 74) ;local v95;while true do if (v94==(568 -(367 + 201))) then v95=(929 -(214 + 713))^(v32-1) ;return (((v31%(v95 + v95))>=v95) and (1 + 0)) or (0 + 0) ;end end end end local function v21() local v34=0 + 0 ;local v35;while true do if (v34==(0 -0)) then v35=v1(v16,v18,v18);v18=v18 + 1 ;v34=1271 -(226 + 1044) ;end if (v34==(1066 -(68 + 997))) then return v35;end end end local function v22() local v36=0 -0 ;local v37;local v38;while true do if (v36==(117 -(32 + 85))) then v37,v38=v1(v16,v18,v18 + 2 + 0 );v18=v18 + (1 -0) + 1 ;v36=958 -(892 + (415 -(87 + 263))) ;end if (v36==(2 -1)) then return (v38 * (472 -216)) + v37 ;end end end local function v23() local v39,v40,v41,v42=v1(v16,v18,v18 + (183 -(67 + 113)) );v18=v18 + 3 + 1 ;return (v42 * (41190819 -24413603)) + (v41 * 65536) + (v40 * 256) + v39 ;end local function v24() local v43=v23();local v44=v23();local v45=(431 -(44 + 386)) + 0 ;local v46=(v20(v44,1,(252 -173) -59 ) * ((954 -((2288 -(998 + 488)) + 150))^((37 + 48) -53))) + v43 ;local v47=v20(v44,37 -16 ,23 + 8 );local v48=((v20(v44,1029 -(915 + 82) )==((1 + 1) -1)) and -(1 + 0)) or (1 -0) ;if (v47==(0 -(0 + 0))) then if (v46==(1187 -(1069 + 118))) then return v48 * 0 ;else local v114=0 -0 ;while true do if (0==v114) then v47=1 -0 ;v45=0 + 0 ;break;end end end elseif (v47==(3636 -(2361 -(201 + 571)))) then return ((v46==(0 + 0)) and (v48 * ((792 -(368 + 423))/((1138 -(116 + 1022)) -0)))) or (v48 * NaN) ;end return v8(v48,v47-(1041 -(10 + (446 -(145 + 293)))) ) * (v45 + (v46/((7 -5)^(494 -(416 + (108 -82)))))) ;end local function v25(v49) local v50;if not v49 then v49=v23();if (v49==0) then return "";end end v50=v3(v16,v18,(v18 + v49) -(1 + 0) );v18=v18 + v49 ;local v51={};for v67=3 -2 , #v50 do v51[v67]=v2(v1(v3(v50,v67,v67)));end return v6(v51);end local v26=v23;local function v27(...) return {...},v12("#",...);end local function v28() local v52=(function() return function(v96,v97,v98,v99,v100,v101,v102,v103,v104) local v105=(function() return 0;end)();local v96=(function() return;end)();local v97=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v105~=(0 + 0)) then else local v120=(function() return 202 -(14 + 188) ;end)();local v121=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v120==(675 -(534 + 141))) then v121=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v121==(1 + 0)) then v105=(function() return 1;end)();break;end if (v121~=0) then else v96=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();v97=(function() return nil;end)();v121=(function() return 1;end)();end end break;end end end if (v105~=1) then else local v122=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v122~=0) then else local v128=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();while true do if ((0 -0)==v128) then while true do if (v96==0) then v97=(function() return v98();end)();if (v99(v97, #"[", #"!")==(0 -0)) then local v151=(function() return 0;end)();local v152=(function() return;end)();local v153=(function() return;end)();local v154=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v151~=0) then else local v155=(function() return 0;end)();local v156=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v155==0) then v156=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v156~=0) then else v152=(function() return v99(v97,2, #"91(");end)();v153=(function() return v99(v97, #"asd1",16 -10 );end)();v156=(function() return 1;end)();end if ((1 + 0)~=v156) then else v151=(function() return 1 + 0 ;end)();break;end end break;end end end if (v151==(397 -(115 + 281))) then local v157=(function() return 0;end)();local v158=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v157~=(0 -0)) then else v158=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();while true do if (v158~=0) then else v154=(function() return {v100(),v100(),nil,nil};end)();if (v152==(0 -0)) then local v163=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();local v164=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v163==(867 -(550 + 317))) then v164=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();while true do if ((0 -0)~=v164) then else v154[ #"91("]=(function() return v100();end)();v154[ #".dev"]=(function() return v100();end)();break;end end break;end end elseif (v152== #",") then v154[ #"asd"]=(function() return v101();end)();elseif (v152==(5 -3)) then v154[ #"-19"]=(function() return v101() -(2^16) ;end)();elseif (v152== #"asd") then local v169=(function() return 285 -(134 + 151) ;end)();local v170=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v169==0) then v170=(function() return 1665 -(970 + 695) ;end)();while true do if (v170~=0) then else v154[ #"gha"]=(function() return v101() -((3 -1)^(2006 -(582 + 1408))) ;end)();v154[ #".dev"]=(function() return v100();end)();break;end end break;end end end v158=(function() return 3 -2 ;end)();end if (v158~=1) then else v151=(function() return 2;end)();break;end end break;end end end if (v151~=(3 -0)) then else if (v99(v153, #"91(", #"19(")~= #"<") then else v154[ #"xnxx"]=(function() return v102[v154[ #"0313"]];end)();end v103[v104]=(function() return v154;end)();break;end if (v151~=2) then else if (v99(v153, #"!", #">")~= #"|") then else v154[2]=(function() return v102[v154[2]];end)();end if (v99(v153,2,7 -5 )== #"~") then v154[ #"91("]=(function() return v102[v154[ #"xxx"]];end)();end v151=(function() return 1827 -(1195 + 629) ;end)();end end end break;end end return v96,v97,v98,v99,v100,v101,v102,v103,v104;end end end end end end end;end)();local v53=(function() return function(v106,v107,v108) local v109=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();local v110=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v109==0) then v110=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (0==v110) then local v129=(function() return 241 -(187 + 54) ;end)();while true do if (v129==0) then v106[v107-#"}" ]=(function() return v108();end)();return v106,v107,v108;end end end end break;end end end;end)();local v54=(function() return {};end)();local v55=(function() return {};end)();local v56=(function() return {};end)();local v57=(function() return {v54,v55,nil,v56};end)();local v58=(function() return v23();end)();local v59=(function() return {};end)();for v69= #"\\",v58 do local v70=(function() return 780 -(162 + 618) ;end)();local v71=(function() return;end)();local v72=(function() return;end)();local v73=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v70==(0 + 0)) then local v115=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();while true do if (v115==(1 -0)) then v70=(function() return 1 -0 ;end)();break;end if (v115~=0) then else v71=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();v72=(function() return nil;end)();v115=(function() return 1637 -(1373 + 263) ;end)();end end end if (1==v70) then v73=(function() return nil;end)();while true do if (v71~=0) then else local v125=(function() return 0;end)();local v126=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v125==0) then v126=(function() return 1000 -(451 + 549) ;end)();while true do if (v126~=(1 + 0)) then else v71=(function() return 1 -0 ;end)();break;end if ((0 -0)==v126) then v72=(function() return v21();end)();v73=(function() return nil;end)();v126=(function() return 1385 -(746 + 638) ;end)();end end break;end end end if (v71==(1 + 0)) then if (v72== #"{") then v73=(function() return v21()~=(0 -0) ;end)();elseif (v72==(343 -(218 + 123))) then v73=(function() return v24();end)();elseif (v72~= #"19(") then else v73=(function() return v25();end)();end v59[v69]=(function() return v73;end)();break;end end break;end end end v57[ #"xxx"]=(function() return v21();end)();for v74= #">",v23() do FlatIdent_8F047,Descriptor,v21,v20,v22,v23,v59,v54,v74=(function() return v52(FlatIdent_8F047,Descriptor,v21,v20,v22,v23,v59,v54,v74);end)();end for v75= #"/",v23() do v55,v75,v28=(function() return v53(v55,v75,v28);end)();end return v57;end local function v29(v61,v62,v63) local v64=v61[1582 -(1535 + 46) ];local v65=v61[(2621 -(20 + 830)) -(1749 + 20) ];local v66=v61[3 + 0 ];return function(...) local v76=v64;local v77=v65;local v78=v66;local v79=v27;local v80=1 + 0 ;local v81= -(561 -(306 + 254));local v82={};local v83={...};local v84=v12("#",...) -(1 -0) ;local v85={};local v86={};for v111=(126 -(116 + 10)) -0 ,v84 do if (v111>=v78) then v82[v111-v78 ]=v83[v111 + (1901 -(106 + 1794)) ];else v86[v111]=v83[v111 + (1468 -(67 + 832 + 568)) ];end end local v87=(v84-v78) + 1 + 0 ;local v88;local v89;while true do v88=v76[v80];v89=v88[1 + 0 ];if (v89<=3) then if (v89<=(2 -1)) then if ((v89==(0 -(738 -(542 + 196)))) or (4795<1407)) then local v130=v88[4 -(3 -1) ];v86[v130](v13(v86,v130 + 1 ,v88[(177 + 429) -(268 + 335) ]));else do return;end end elseif (v89>(1429 -(41 + 1386))) then v86[v88[105 -(17 + 86) ]]=v63[v88[(149 + 144) -(60 + 230) ]];else local v133=v88[3 -1 ];v86[v133](v86[v133 + (2 -1) ]);end elseif (v89<=(577 -(426 + 53 + 93))) then if (v89>(1 + 3)) then local v134;v86[v88[6 -4 ]]=v63[v88[(3844 -2385) -(282 + 1174) ]];v80=v80 + (812 -(569 + 242)) ;v88=v76[v80];v86[v88[5 -3 ]]=v86[v88[68 -(30 + 35) ]][v88[1 + (7 -4) ]];v80=v80 + 1 + 0 ;v88=v76[v80];v86[v88[1026 -(706 + (1869 -(1126 + 425))) ]]=v86[v88[1254 -(721 + 530) ]];v80=v80 + (1272 -(945 + 326)) ;v88=v76[v80];v134=v88[4 -2 ];v86[v134](v86[v134 + 1 + 0 ]);v80=v80 + (701 -(271 + 429)) ;v88=v76[v80];do return;end else v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]=v88[(1908 -(118 + 287)) -(1408 + 92) ];end elseif (v89<=(1092 -(461 + 625))) then v86[v88[1290 -(993 + 295) ]]=v86[v88[416 -(15 + 398) ]];elseif ((1853<4813) and (v89==7)) then v86[v88[1 + (3 -2) ]]=v86[v88[1174 -(418 + 753) ]][v88[(1123 -(118 + 1003)) + 2 ]];else v86[v88[1 + 1 ]]=v29(v77[v88[1 + 2 ]],nil,v63);end v80=v80 + 1 + 0 ;end end;end return v29(v28(),{},v17)(...);end return v15("LOL!033O00030A3O00737465616D776F726B73030B3O00446F776E6C6F6164554743030A3O003O333736332O39323400063O0012033O00013O0020075O0002001204000100033O00020800029O00000200012O00013O00013O00013O00023O0003043O0067616D6503083O004D6F756E74474D4101053O001205000100013O00202O0001000100024O00028O0001000200016O00017O00",v9(),...);[/CODE]