; fastman92limitAdjuster_GTASA.ini
; ColModels (10150)
; Number of different collisions that can be loaded.
#ColModels = 10150
; VehicleStructs (50)
; Max number of vehicles with different IDs loaded.
VehicleStructs = 512
; rwObjectInstances (1000)
#rwObjectInstances = 1000
; Matrices (900)
#Matrices = 900
; PtrNode Singles (70000)
#PtrNode Singles = 70000
; PtrNode Doubles (3200)
#PtrNode Doubles = 3200
; EntryInfoNodes (500)
#EntryInfoNodes = 500
; Peds (140)
#Peds = 140
; Vehicles (110)
#Vehicles = 110
; Objects (350)
#Objects = 350
; Tasks (500)
#Tasks = 500
; Events (200)
#Events = 200
; PointRoute (64)
#PointRoute = 64
; PatrolRoute (32)
#PatrolRoute = 32
; NodeRoute (64)
#NodeRoute = 64
; TaskAllocator (16)
#TaskAllocator = 16
; PedIntelligence (140)
#PedIntelligence = 140
; PedAttractors (64)
#PedAttractors = 64
; QuadTreeNodes (400)
#QuadTreeNodes = 400
; Collision links (50)
#Collision links = 50
; CustomEnvMapPipeMatDataPool (4096)
#CustomEnvMapPipeMatDataPool = 4096
; CustomEnvMapPipeAtmDataPool (1024)
#CustomEnvMapPipeAtmDataPool = 1024
; CustomSpecMapPipeMaterialDataPool (4096)
#CustomSpecMapPipeMaterialDataPool = 4096
; Buildings (13000)
#Buildings = 13000
; Dummies (2500)
#Dummies = 2500
; Inst entries per file (4096)
#Inst entries per file = 4096
; Entity index array (40)
#Entity index array = 40
; Map zones (39)
#Map zones = 39
; Navigation zones (380)
#Navigation zones = 380
; COccluder, apply coordinate limit patch (0)
#COccluder, apply coordinate limit patch = 0
; Interior occluders (40)
#Interior occluders = 40
; Occluders (1000)
#Occluders = 1000
; Timecycle modifiers (32)
#Timecycle modifiers = 32
; CULL mirror attribute zones (72)
#CULL mirror attribute zones = 72
; CULL tunnel attribute zones (40)
#CULL tunnel attribute zones = 40
; CULL attribute zones (1300)
#CULL attribute zones = 1300
; Stunt jumps (256)
#Stunt jumps = 256
; Entry exits (400)
#Entry exits = 400
; Auzo zone boxes (158)
#Auzo zone boxes = 158
; Auzo zone boxes, apply coordinate limit patch (0)
#Auzo zone boxes, apply coordinate limit patch = 0
; Auzo zone spheres (3)
#Auzo zone spheres = 3
; Enable pickup limit patch (0)
#Enable pickup limit patch = 0
; Pickups (620)
#Pickups = 620
; Pickup collected (20)
#Pickup collected = 20
; IDE Objects Type 1 (14000)
#IDE Objects Type 1 = 14000
; IDE Objects Type 2 (70)
#IDE Objects Type 2 = 70
; Timed Objects (169)
#Timed Objects = 169
; Hier Objects (92)
; Clump models
#Hier Objects = 92
; Vehicle Models (212)
Vehicle Models = 512
; Ped Models (278)
Ped Models = 768
; Weapon Models (51)
#Weapon Models = 51
; 2DFX Effects (100)
#2DFX Effects = 100
; Apply tracks.dat coordinate limit patch (0)
#Apply tracks.dat coordinate limit patch = 0
; Tracks.dat file size limit (46384)
#Tracks.dat file size limit = 46384
; Max number of track stations (6)
#Max number of track stations = 6
; Enable track config loader (0)
#Enable track config loader = 0
; Apply paths limit patch (0)
#Apply paths limit patch = 0
; Enable path debugging (0)
; Make sure to increase 'OTHER LIMITS -> Coronas', because the path debugging registers a large number of coronas to be rendered.
#Enable path debugging = 0
; Paths map size (6000)
; This option requires a new set of files if map size is changed!!!
#Paths map size = 6000
; Radar map size (6000)
; This option requires a new set of files if map size is changed!!!
#Radar map size = 6000
; Enable frontend map different (0)
#Enable frontend map different = 0
; Water map size (6000)
#Water map size = 6000
; Renderware world map size (20000)
#Renderware world map size = 20000
; World map size (6000)
#World map size = 6000
; World sector size (50)
#World sector size = 50
; World LOD sector size (200)
#World LOD sector size = 200
; Number of levels (4)
; Level limits are enabled if you uncomment 'Number of levels'
; Currently it's only possible to put the default ped IDs for levels.
; Random IDs won't work for peds
#Number of levels = 4
; Cop car level 0 (599)
Cop car level 0 = 599
; Cop car level 1 (596)
Cop car level 1 = 596
; Cop car level 2 (597)
Cop car level 2 = 597
; Cop car level 3 (598)
Cop car level 3 = 598
; Cop bike (523)
Cop bike = 523
; Cop ped level 0 (283)
Cop ped level 0 = 283
; Cop ped level 1 (280)
Cop ped level 1 = 280
; Cop ped level 2 (281)
Cop ped level 2 = 281
; Cop ped level 3 (282)
Cop ped level 3 = 282
; Cop ped bike (284)
Cop ped bike = 284
; Ambulance level 1 (416)
Ambulance level 1 = 416
; Ambulance level 2 (416)
Ambulance level 2 = 416
; Ambulance level 3 (416)
Ambulance level 3 = 416
; Medic level 1 (274)
Medic level 1 = 274
; Medic level 2 (275)
Medic level 2 = 275
; Medic level 3 (276)
Medic level 3 = 276
; Fire engine level 1 (407)
Fire engine level 1 = 407
; Fire engine level 2 (407)
Fire engine level 2 = 407
; Fire engine level 3 (407)
Fire engine level 3 = 407
; Fireman level 1 (277)
Fireman level 1 = 277
; Fireman level 2 (279)
Fireman level 2 = 279
; Fireman level 3 (278)
Fireman level 3 = 278
; Number of cab drivers for level 0 (0)
Number of cab drivers for level 0 = 0
; Number of cab drivers for level 1 (2)
Number of cab drivers for level 1 = 2
; Cab driver level 1 place 0 (262)
Cab driver level 1 place 0 = 262
; Cab driver level 1 place 1 (261)
Cab driver level 1 place 1 = 261
; Number of cab drivers for level 2 (2)
Number of cab drivers for level 2 = 2
; Cab driver level 2 place 0 (220)
Cab driver level 2 place 0 = 220
; Cab driver level 2 place 1 (234)
Cab driver level 2 place 1 = 234
; Number of cab drivers for level 3 (2)
Number of cab drivers for level 3 = 2
; Cab driver level 3 place 0 (182)
Cab driver level 3 place 0 = 182
; Cab driver level 3 place 1 (206)
Cab driver level 3 place 1 = 206
; Item price multiplier 0 (1.0)
Item price multiplier 0 = 1.0
; Item price multiplier 1 (1.0)
Item price multiplier 1 = 1.0
; Item price multiplier 2 (1.0)
Item price multiplier 2 = 1.0
; Item price multiplier 3 (1.2)
Item price multiplier 3 = 1.2
; Enable special features (0)
#Enable special features = 0
; Number of hydra vehicles (1)
Number of hydra vehicles = 1
; Hydra 1 (520)
Hydra 1 = 520
; Number of ZR350 vehicles (1)
Number of ZR350 vehicles = 1
; ZR350 1 (477)
ZR350 1 = 477
; Max number of hospital restarts (10)
#Max number of hospital restarts = 10
; Max number of police restarts (10)
#Max number of police restarts = 10
; Max number of IMG archives (8)
Max number of IMG archives = 16
; Enable handling of new enhanced IMG archives (0)
#Enable handling of new enhanced IMG archives = 0
; Increase the IMG archive size limit (0)
#Increase the IMG archive size limit = 0
; Enable handling of IMGLIST keyword (1)
#Enable handling of IMGLIST keyword = 1
; Extra objects directory (550)
#Extra objects directory = 550
; Cutscene directory (512)
#Cutscene directory = 512
; Clothes directory (550)
#Clothes directory = 550
; Water triangles (6)
#Water triangles = 6
; Water quads (301)
#Water quads = 301
; Water quads and triangles list (701)
#Water quads and triangles list = 701
; Water vertices (1021)
#Water vertices = 1021
; Blocks to be rendered outside world (70)
#Blocks to be rendered outside world = 70
; Cargrp cars per group (23)
; Max number you can put is 63.
; Do not put more unless this 63 limit will be removed in the next version of limit adjuster.
; Remember to increase a limit of VehicleStructs appropriately!
; Otherwise the game will crash after few minutes of playing, because a limit of VehicleStructs will be exceeded.
#Cargrp cars per group = 23
; Streaming_DesiredNumberOfVehiclesLoaded (22)
#Streaming_DesiredNumberOfVehiclesLoaded = 22
; Car generators (500)
#Car generators = 500
; Number of process counter passes for car generators (4)
#Number of process counter passes for car generators = 4
; Use extended format for car generators (0)
#Use extended format for car generators = 0
; Accept any ID for car generator (0)
#Accept any ID for car generator = 0
; Pedgrp peds per group (21)
#Pedgrp peds per group = 21
; Memory available (50)
#Memory available = 50
; Max number of stream handles (32)
#Max number of stream handles = 32
; Number of requested models above which the game considers loading very busy (5)
#Number of requested models above which the game considers loading very busy = 5
; Minimum number of iterations in LoadAllRequestedModels (10)
#Minimum number of iterations in LoadAllRequestedModels = 10
; Invisible entity pointers (150)
#Invisible entity pointers = 150
; Visible super LOD pointers (50)
#Visible super LOD pointers = 50
; Visible LOD pointers (1000)
#Visible LOD pointers = 1000
; Visible entity pointers (1000)
#Visible entity pointers = 1000
; Alpha list limit (20)
#Alpha list limit = 20
; Alpha boat atomic list limit (20)
#Alpha boat atomic list limit = 20
; Alpha entity list limit (200)
#Alpha entity list limit = 200
; Alpha underwater entity list limit (100)
#Alpha underwater entity list limit = 100
; Alpha really draw last list limit (50)
#Alpha really draw last list limit = 50
; Weapon peds for PC limit (100)
#Weapon peds for PC limit = 100
; Apply ID limit patch (0)
#Apply ID limit patch = 0
; FILE_TYPE_DFF (20000)
#FILE_TYPE_DFF = 20000
; FILE_TYPE_TXD (5000)
; Use file binary search by name (0)
; Binary search speeds up the time that it takes a game to find the ID of file, when searching for it by the name.
; This is really nice to have enabled when using milion models or more.
; Rockstar Games noticed how it's useful and implemented it later in GTA IV. Now possible in GTA SA.
#Use file binary search by name = 0
; Count of killable model IDs (800)
; In game there's an array CDarkel::RegisteredKills and it stores the number of registered kills for model IDs.
; Model IDs that may be killed are vehicles/peds.
; Default value of 800, means that 0-799 is valid ID for ped/vehicle.
; As such, this value will affect the max possible ID for ped/vehicle.
Count of killable model IDs = 17986
; Apply handling.cfg patch (0)
Apply handling.cfg patch = 1
; Number of standard lines (210)
Number of standard lines = 512
; Number of bike lines (13)
#Number of bike lines = 13
; Number of flying lines (24)
#Number of flying lines = 24
; Number of boat lines (12)
#Number of boat lines = 12
; Number of animation group lines (30)
#Number of animation group lines = 30
; Max size of MAIN segment (200000)
#Max size of MAIN segment = 200000
; Max mission size (69000)
#Max mission size = 69000
; Running scripts (96)
#Running scripts = 96
; Mission cleanup (75)
#Mission cleanup = 75
; Max number of used objects (395)
#Max number of used objects = 395
; Scripts for brains (70)
#Scripts for brains = 70
; Switch jump table cases (75)
#Switch jump table cases = 75
; Coronas (64)
Coronas = 128
; Collision size (32768)
#Collision size = 32768
; Cover points (100)
#Cover points = 100
; LOD distance (300.0)
#LOD distance = 300.0
; Max number of particles active (1000)
#Max number of particles active = 1000
; Object info entries (160)
; Max number of object.dat entries.
; 5 first entries of array are reserved for hardcoded purpose.
#Object info entries = 160
; Radar traces (175)
#Radar traces = 175
; References (3000)
#References = 3000
; Set pieces (210)
#Set pieces = 210
; Set pieces, apply coordinate limit patch (0)
#Set pieces, apply coordinate limit patch = 0
; Vehicle colors (128)
#Vehicle colors = 128
; Number of plate textures (3)
#Number of plate textures = 3
; Apply roadblox.dat better loader (0)
; Make it possible to use a roadblox.dat of variable size.
#Apply roadblox.dat better loader = 0
; Shadows stored (48)
#Shadows stored = 48
; Poly bunches (360)
#Poly bunches = 360
; Static shadows (48)
#Static shadows = 48
; Permanent shadows (48)
#Permanent shadows = 48
; Real time shadows (16)
#Real time shadows = 16
; Enable weapon type loader (0)
#Enable weapon type loader = 0
; Weapon type loader, number of type IDs (70)
#Weapon type loader, number of type IDs = 70
; Enable melee combo type loader (0)
#Enable melee combo type loader = 0
; Max number of melee combos (17)
#Max number of melee combos = 17
; Disable radar rotation (0)
#Disable radar rotation = 0
; Disable plane speed limit (0)
#Disable plane speed limit = 0
; Make helicopters land on water when cars on water cheat enabled (0)
#Make helicopters land on water when cars on water cheat enabled = 0
; Make save of variable size (0)
#Make save of variable size = 0
; Make paintjobs work for any ID (0)
#Make paintjobs work for any ID = 0
; Enable error reporting (1)
Enable error reporting = 1
; Attempt to load object instance with undefined ID (1)
Attempt to load object instance with undefined ID = 1
; Car generator limit exceeded (0)
#Car generator limit exceeded = 0
; Car generator with invalid model ID is getting registered (1)
Car generator with invalid model ID is getting registered = 1
; IMG archive needs rebuilding (1)
IMG archive needs rebuilding = 1
; Model does not have collision loaded (1)
Model does not have collision loaded = 1
; Model has collision already set up (0)
#Model has collision already set up = 0
; Model name is declared on multiple IDs (0)
#Model name is declared on multiple IDs = 0
; Requested file does not exist (0)
#Requested file does not exist = 0
; Stream handles limit exceeded (1)
Stream handles limit exceeded = 1
; Enable debug output (0)
; Enables debug output from sprintf and printf functions.
#Enable debug output = 0
; Enable logging of files loaded (0)
#Enable logging of files loaded = 0
; Copy info to pad 1 from pad 0 (0)
#Copy info to pad 1 from pad 0 = 0
; Enable cheat string loader (0)
#Enable cheat string loader = 0
; Enable vehicle audio loader (0)
Enable vehicle audio loader = 1
; Enable train type carriages loader (0)
#Enable train type carriages loader = 0
; Train type carriage loader, max number of vehicles for type (15)
#Train type carriage loader, max number of vehicles for type = 15
; Train type carriage loader, number of type IDs (16)
#Train type carriage loader, number of type IDs = 16
; Enable radar blip sprite filename loader (0)
#Enable radar blip sprite filename loader = 0
; Radar blip sprite filename loader, number of type IDs (64)
#Radar blip sprite filename loader, number of type IDs = 64
; Enable model special feature loader (0)
#Enable model special feature loader = 0
; author (fastman92)
author = fastman92
; Disable FLA loading text (0)
Disable FLA loading text = 1
; FLA main window disable code ()
FLA main window disable code =
; Register global exception handler (1)
; Crash exception handler
; You should leave it enabled or there will be no crash log.
; Please don't disable it unless you have a good reason.
Register global exception handler = 1
; Disable music on global exception handler (0)
Disable music on global exception handler = 1
; Use a different INI ()
#Use a different INI =