При альтабе крашит.


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Помогите, когда альтабуюсь (ALT+TAB) крашит. краш оставлю ниже
(5) [0x00757DEC] 8726198d-f8691bc7-4ff025a6-176bbe0e-d0c2c1c4-0c7d676a-120ddd57-11b9bfc5
Command line: "gta_sa.exe" -c -h -p 7777 -n Young_Idlewood -mem 2048 -x -seasons -enable_grass -arizona -referrer utm_source=arizonarp
OS 10; build number 19045
Commit: a823e438

Time playing: 00:00:15
Address: 0x00757DEC
Code: 0xC0000005
Module: gta_sa.exe
Offset: 0x00357DEC

EAX: 0x00000000 | ECX: 0x00000268
EDX: 0x0177FB58 | EBX: 0x00000008
ESP: 0x0177FB24 | EBP: 0x0177FC14
ESI: 0x00000000 | EDI: 0x1971C078
Flags: 0x0001007F

0: 0x757DEC -> gta_sa.exe::_D3D9AtomicDefaultInstanceCallback + 403F50
1: 0x7582D2 -> gta_sa.exe::_D3D9AtomicDefaultReinstanceCallback + 403F50
2: 0x757690 -> gta_sa.exe::_D3D9AtomicAllInOneNode + 403F50
3: 0x805769 -> gta_sa.exe::_Z17RxPipelineExecuteP10RxPipelinePvi + 1
4: 0x7491E4 -> gta_sa.exe::_Z27AtomicDefaultRenderCallBackP8RpAtomic + 403F50
5: 0x7324D8 -> gta_sa.exe::CVisibilityPlugins::RenderAtomicWithAlpha + 403F50
6: 0x60DE0159 -> vorbisfile.dll + 10159
7: 0x60F90974 -> vorbisfile.dll + 1C0974
8: 0x553308 -> gta_sa.exe::CRenderer::RenderOneNonRoad + 403F50
9: 0x732639 -> gta_sa.exe::CVisibilityPlugins::RenderFadingAtomic + 403F50
10: 0x732BDC -> gta_sa.exe::CVisibilityPlugins::RenderEntity + 403F50
11: 0x733F2A -> gta_sa.exe::CVisibilityPlugins::RenderFadingEntities + 403F50
12: 0x5F4963D7 -> core.asi + 363D7
13: 0x100A49C7 -> samp.dll + A49C7
14: 0x53E01E -> gta_sa.exe::_Z11RenderSceneb + 403F50
15: 0x53EAA6 -> gta_sa.exe::_Z4IdlePv + 403F50

0: 0248
1: 0248
2: 0248
3: 0248
4: 0248
5: 0248
6: 0925
7: 015F
8: 0925
9: 0160
Last deleted model: 13493
Last deleted object model: 1294
Last anim group: 54
Anim id: 3
Anim last time: 0.800000
Anim current time: 0.000000

Render buffers:
Count of visible lods: 86 (max default is 1000)
Count of visible entities: 69 (max default is 1000)
Count of visible super lods: 0 (max default is 50)
Count of invisible entities: 4 (max default is 150)
Last animated simple attachment: -1 Last rendered entity model: 4762 Last load txd hash:669773405
Path: gta_sa.exe
- Base: 0x00400000
- Size: 18313216
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- Base: 0x77BD0000
- Size: 1720320
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- Base: 0x76140000
- Size: 983040
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- Base: 0x769F0000
- Size: 2334720
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- Base: 0x77920000
- Size: 405504
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- Base: 0x77380000
- Size: 770048
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- Size: 1691648
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- Base: 0x77830000
- Size: 98304
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- Base: 0x74DF0000
- Size: 163840
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- Base: 0x77580000
- Size: 143360
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- Base: 0x60DD0000
- Size: 10100736
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- Base: 0x6DA20000
- Size: 1966080
Path: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_84b2c943d6816eb7\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_32.dll
- Base: 0x552F0000
- Size: 3497984
Path: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispig.inf_amd64_84b2c943d6816eb7\nvwgf2um.dll
- Base: 0x52180000
- Size: 51810304
Path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\TextShaping.dll
- Base: 0x72E70000
- Size: 610304
Path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\textinputframework.dll
- Base: 0x733A0000
- Size: 757760
Path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dcomp.dll
- Base: 0x6D590000
- Size: 1462272
Path: moonloader\lib\MoonImGui.dll
- Base: 0x51E20000
- Size: 3477504
Path: moonloader\lib\iconv.dll
- Base: 0x51D20000
- Size: 1019904
Path: moonloader\lib\mimgui\cimguidx9.DLL
- Base: 0x55EC0000
- Size: 585728
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NvContainer\MessageBus.dll
- Base: 0x63420000
- Size: 5697536
Path: C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.dll
- Base: 0x51C20000
- Size: 995328
Path: C:\Windows\System32\WindowManagementAPI.dll
- Base: 0x51BA0000
- Size: 471040
Path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\twinapi.appcore.dll
- Base: 0x6D3F0000
- Size: 1642496
Path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wmvcore.dll
- Base: 0x51990000
- Size: 2150400
Path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WMASF.DLL
- Base: 0x55E80000
- Size: 249856
Path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\mfperfhelper.dll
- Base: 0x51880000
- Size: 1073152
Path: C:\Windows\system32\mlang.dll
- Base: 0x51840000
- Size: 212992
Path: discord_game_sdk.DLL
- Base: 0x51570000
- Size: 2936832
Path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ktmw32.dll
- Base: 0x561B0000
- Size: 36864


Автор темы

положи конфиг сюда: %папка с игрой%\SAMPFUNCS
и перестанет вылетать
чето не хочу скачивать ничего непрверенного
  • Bug
  • Ха-ха
Реакции: dsaf1, scroll. и stool