Софт SA:MP Launcher + Source code


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Since both Hosted and Internet tabs are down in default samp launcher i decided to made this simple desktop app which gets all online samp servers from open.mp api and displays them one by one with required information, there is also search bar on top which allows you to search for your fav server, if you right click on some server you can connect to it and also apply some more filters

Updated to version 0.3beta


Source Code: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bg40lvm8j89obue/SAMP+EzLauncher+0.3+Beta.rar/file
Compiled Version: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gotakdwhl548paf/SAMP+EzLauncher+0.3B+Client.rar/file

NOTE: Required for installation

if for some reason you experience crashes idk whats wrong it is tested on windows 10 x64

Post any suggestion i will try to implement them
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Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.


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ого, спасибо, это же неочевидно
и какой смысл от твоего ответа, если это ошибка разработчика?
Thanks for reporting such issue i will fix it in future update
The text is being read from https://api.open.mp/servers so it is default from there i will apply decoding function Windows-1251 hopefully it should fix



I applied
// Register the Windows-1251 encoding provider

public bool RequiresWindows1251Decoding(string input)
    // Regular expression to match non-ASCII characters
    Regex nonAsciiRegex = new Regex(@"[^\u0000-\u007F]+");

    // Check if the input string contains non-ASCII characters
    return nonAsciiRegex.IsMatch(input);

private void ServerDataGrid_LoadingRow(object sender, DataGridRowEventArgs e)
    // Get the current row's data item
    var item = e.Row.Item as dynamic;

    if (item != null)
        // Access the server name in the second column
        string encodedServerName = item.Hn;

        // Check if the string requires Windows-1251 decoding
        if (RequiresWindows1251Decoding(encodedServerName))
            // Decode the text using Windows-1251 encoding
            byte[] bytes = Encoding.GetEncoding("Windows-1251").GetBytes(encodedServerName);
            string decodedServerName = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

            // Set the decoded text in the second column
            item.Hn = decodedServerName;
            // If no decoding is needed, display the original text
            item.Hn = encodedServerName;

I get the same result

the text is the same in the default samp launcher

I tried to fix it but well it won't so there's nothing else i can do with this issue you can play around with the source code maybe you'll have more luck with decoding
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чопа сребдс // TG/IG: @moujeek
Будет ли фикс кириллицы в названии серверов?

Лаунчер конечно прикольный, но не сравнится с лаунчером проекта Arizona Orgy 18+.
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Thanks for reporting such issue i will fix it in future update
The text is being read from https://api.open.mp/servers so it is default from there i will apply decoding function Windows-1251 hopefully it should fix

Посмотреть вложение 217462


I applied
// Register the Windows-1251 encoding provider

public bool RequiresWindows1251Decoding(string input)
    // Regular expression to match non-ASCII characters
    Regex nonAsciiRegex = new Regex(@"[^\u0000-\u007F]+");

    // Check if the input string contains non-ASCII characters
    return nonAsciiRegex.IsMatch(input);

private void ServerDataGrid_LoadingRow(object sender, DataGridRowEventArgs e)
    // Get the current row's data item
    var item = e.Row.Item as dynamic;

    if (item != null)
        // Access the server name in the second column
        string encodedServerName = item.Hn;

        // Check if the string requires Windows-1251 decoding
        if (RequiresWindows1251Decoding(encodedServerName))
            // Decode the text using Windows-1251 encoding
            byte[] bytes = Encoding.GetEncoding("Windows-1251").GetBytes(encodedServerName);
            string decodedServerName = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

            // Set the decoded text in the second column
            item.Hn = decodedServerName;
            // If no decoding is needed, display the original text
            item.Hn = encodedServerName;

I get the same result
Посмотреть вложение 217471

the text is the same in the default samp launcher
Посмотреть вложение 217472

I tried to fix it but well it won't so there's nothing else i can do with this issue you can play around with the source code maybe you'll have more luck with decoding

maybe this problem is due to the language in the OS
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Реакции: _=Gigant=_


Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Thanks for reporting such issue i will fix it in future update
The text is being read from https://api.open.mp/servers so it is default from there i will apply decoding function Windows-1251 hopefully it should fix

Посмотреть вложение 217462


I applied
// Register the Windows-1251 encoding provider

public bool RequiresWindows1251Decoding(string input)
    // Regular expression to match non-ASCII characters
    Regex nonAsciiRegex = new Regex(@"[^\u0000-\u007F]+");

    // Check if the input string contains non-ASCII characters
    return nonAsciiRegex.IsMatch(input);

private void ServerDataGrid_LoadingRow(object sender, DataGridRowEventArgs e)
    // Get the current row's data item
    var item = e.Row.Item as dynamic;

    if (item != null)
        // Access the server name in the second column
        string encodedServerName = item.Hn;

        // Check if the string requires Windows-1251 decoding
        if (RequiresWindows1251Decoding(encodedServerName))
            // Decode the text using Windows-1251 encoding
            byte[] bytes = Encoding.GetEncoding("Windows-1251").GetBytes(encodedServerName);
            string decodedServerName = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

            // Set the decoded text in the second column
            item.Hn = decodedServerName;
            // If no decoding is needed, display the original text
            item.Hn = encodedServerName;

I get the same result
Посмотреть вложение 217471

the text is the same in the default samp launcher
Посмотреть вложение 217472

I tried to fix it but well it won't so there's nothing else i can do with this issue you can play around with the source code maybe you'll have more luck with decoding
это связано с настройками языка в системе (чтобы исправить нужно поставить русский язык и отключить галочку с utf-8), но думаю, что это можно как-то исправить в коде



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Updated to 0.2 beta

-Added settings tab by right click, also to back to servers press right click again
-settings are saved automatically in registry
-added minimize app button on top right corner dark gray color above nickname text box
-added gamemode info under Header "Mode"
-added roleplay name generator in settings
-added "Search by Gamemode" - allows you to search by gamemode info in default search filter
-added option "Default Width" when pressed right click to restore columns width if messed up
-added option to enable/disable minimizing the app when connecting to the server
-Some UI updates

regarding to encoding for server names still didn't find a way to fix it maybe in future


source code update too
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Реакции: 1NEXPL1CA и Kenshi.


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Hello i need some suggestion for this launcher what to add new, suggestions for searhing options ui design etc...

I was thinking about
1. Samp gallery / screenshots viewer
2. built in gta sa radio
3. download menu for cleo / cleo mods / custom vehicles / custom skins
4. built in chat between launcher users
5. Different launcher UI design ideas
6. 3D Models viewer for gta sa skins
7. Server location viewer
8. Built in Samp wiki


Стань той переменой, которую хочешь увидеть в мире
лучше как в лаунчере аризоны,самое либо популярное,либо просто установщик клео/сф/муна и т.д
было бы неплохо
тоже неплохо,особенно для тех,у кого банит айпишник
смотря вики чего,скриптинга,или же дамп вики калкора,Который он закрыл
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Реакции: _=Gigant=_


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in the new update 0.3b
- added option to add & delete favourite servers and added favourite servers menu
- added custom background image
- added game status info and last visit info
- added gallery button for quick access to samp images folder (in future launcher will have it's own display system)
- improved servers data handling
- added filtering for english and russian servers in settings
- you can change background image in Images folder

https://www.mediafire.com/file/bg40lvm8j89obue/SAMP+EzLauncher+0.3+Beta.rar/file source
https://www.mediafire.com/file/gotakdwhl548paf/SAMP+EzLauncher+0.3B+Client.rar/file compiled
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Реакции: chromiusj и Kenshi.