Cleo hit anim and double jump


Автор темы
Версия SA-MP
  1. 0.3.7 (R1)
  2. 0.3.7-R2
I need a Cleo mod for hit anim and double jump
I see this mod in internet but now I can't find it
When you press R you piss😂
And when press tab you jump say something and jump again its abuse bug and after you double jump
Can someone find it for me?
Sorry for my bad English


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I need a Cleo mod for hit anim and double jump
I see this mod in internet but now I can't find it
When you press R you piss😂
And when press tab you jump say something and jump again its abuse bug and after you double jump
Can someone find it for me?
Sorry for my bad English
This script is written in Russian, but I translated it into English if you need another language, then write here the real author of the script @Gorskin
About the doublejump If you jump to the backspace, write 32 there If on the shift then write 16 in the paragraph (The Key u press to jump )
Screen how look english gmaster Most of the functions are made for the samp role play project, I also translated them, but don't pay much attention to them


  • gangmaster english.lua
    32.6 KB · Просмотры: 21

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