Hello, I have problem i use DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT.
When start DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT first time text is bad.
When start second time string load last TEXT and this text is good but old!
How to always input current text which i enter.
I need this because that command gives me an /ad on server.
Sorry i don't know Russian language <3 :(
When start DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT first time text is bad.
When start second time string load last TEXT and this text is good but old!
How to always input current text which i enter.
I need this because that command gives me an /ad on server.
Sorry i don't know Russian language <3 :(
wait 0
0AC8: 22@ = allocate_memory_size 145
0B3B: samp show_dialog id 46 caption "{25A30B}AD" text "Enter text ad:" button_1 "Next" button_2 "Exit" style DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT
if 0B3C: samp is_dialog_responded id 46 button 1@ list_item 0 input_text 22@
wait 5000
0AF9: samp say_msg "smsad %s" 22@
//0AC9: free_allocated_memory 22@
jump @AutoCMDSyS_Pokrenuti_1