Could someone recreate this? And don't ask for money please :) TY
B B14DE Известный Автор темы 4 2 5 Сен 2017 #1 Could someone recreate this? And don't ask for money please :) TY Реакции: PUPUSKA и JEEMBО
DarkP1xel Сила воли наше всё. BH Team 3,637 5,024 6 Сен 2017 #2 So stupid "drift". Players can drift better than this shit.
B B14DE Известный Автор темы 4 2 6 Сен 2017 #3 DarkP1xel написал(а): So stupid "drift". Players can drift better than this shit. Нажмите для раскрытия... I like the mechanic of it, thats all. It's like CarShot.cs but without the super increased speed.
DarkP1xel написал(а): So stupid "drift". Players can drift better than this shit. Нажмите для раскрытия... I like the mechanic of it, thats all. It's like CarShot.cs but without the super increased speed.