Модификация для NARAKA: BLADEPOINT
- Functions
- Aimbot:
- Enable
- Fov
- Smooth
- VisibleCheck
- Key
- Visuals:
- Player BOX
- Player Line
- Player Info
- 2D radar
- Item ESP
- ChestESP
- Player:
- AutoParry
- IgnoreParry
- AntiStun
- InfiniteStamina
- InfiniteDragon(for nunckucks)
- InfiniteSlide
- HookEditor(can change distance and speed)
- UpperHelper
- SkinChanger(unlock all outfits and weapons)

- Anticheat status:
(NEAC): Undetected - Версия игры:
- Steam
- Epic Games
- Official Naraka launcher - Supported windows version:
Windows 10-11(1809-22h2) - SVM or VT-X (VT-D) enabled
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