// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by GTAG (http://gtag.gtagaming.com/opcode-database) on 14.6.2013
{$CLEO .cs}
0000: NOP
0001: wait 0 ms
03F0: enable_text_draw 1
0001: wait 0 ms
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 12216169 size 1 virtual_protect 0
00D6: if and
0039: 3@ == 1
02CB: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR bounding_sphere_visible
0256: player $PLAYER_ACTOR defined
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_16C
0226: 1@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR health
04DD: 2@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armour
00D6: if
0019: 1@ > 0
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_BF
00D6: if
002B: 25 >= 1@
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_89
0006: 28@ = 127
0006: 29@ = 255
0006: 30@ = 0
0002: jump @Noname_9F
0006: 28@ = 127
0006: 29@ = 255
0006: 30@ = 0
0AB1: call_scm_func @Noname_2E0 6 576.5 66.0 1@ 28@ 29@ 30@
00D6: if
0AB1: call_scm_func @Noname_328 0 0@
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_16C
0AB1: call_scm_func @Noname_173 7 577.0 59.5 0@ 58.0 5.0 4.0 1
0092: 0@ = float 0@ to_integer
00D6: if
002B: 25 >= 0@
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_136
0006: 28@ = 240
0006: 29@ = 0
0006: 30@ = 80
0002: jump @Noname_14C
0006: 28@ = 240
0006: 29@ = 0
0006: 30@ = 80
0AB1: call_scm_func @Noname_2E0 6 576.5 55.0 0@ 28@ 29@ 30@
0002: jump @Noname_A
00D6: if
0039: 6@ == 1
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_22A
0AF0: 14@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\sb.ini" section "MAIN" key "R"
0AF0: 15@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\sb.ini" section "MAIN" key "G"
0AF0: 16@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\sb.ini" section "MAIN" key "B"
0AF0: 17@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\sb.ini" section "MAIN" key "2R"
0AF0: 18@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\sb.ini" section "MAIN" key "2G"
0AF0: 19@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleo\sb.ini" section "MAIN" key "2B"
0007: 13@ = 100.0
0073: 13@ /= 3@ // (float)
0073: 2@ /= 13@ // (float)
0087: 11@ = 3@ // (float)
0087: 12@ = 4@ // (float)
005B: 11@ += 5@ // (float)
005B: 12@ += 5@ // (float)
038E: draw_box_position 0@ 1@ size 11@ 12@ RGBA 0 0 0 255
038E: draw_box_position 0@ 1@ size 3@ 4@ RGBA 17@ 18@ 19@ 255
0087: 10@ = 2@ // (float)
0017: 10@ /= 2.0
0017: 3@ /= 2.0
005B: 0@ += 10@ // (float)
0063: 0@ -= 3@ // (float)
038E: draw_box_position 0@ 1@ size 2@ 4@ RGBA 14@ 15@ 16@ 255
0AB2: ret 0
0349: set_text_draw_font 1
0342: set_text_draw_centered 1
033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 0.3 0.9
081C: draw_text_outline 1 RGBA 0 0 0 255
0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 3@ 4@ 5@ 255
045A: draw_text_1number 0@ 1@ GXT 'NUMBER' number 2@ // ~1~
0AB2: ret 0
0A8D: 0@ = read_memory 12045748 size 4 virtual_protect 0
0017: 0@ /= 31.47
000B: 0@ += 4.0
0013: 0@ *= 0.9615384
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 12045792 size 4 virtual_protect 0
0017: 1@ /= 39.97
00D6: if and
0021: 1@ > 99.0
8965: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR swimming
80DF: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving
004D: jump_if_false @Noname_394
0485: return_true
0002: jump @Noname_396
059A: return_false
0AB2: ret 1 0@