- 7
- 0
- Версия SA-MP
- 0.3.7 (R1)
Hey Guys. I've installed moonloader application and Samp.Lua , Mimgui, Imgui but it gives some errors on the moonloader logs and doesn't loaded the scripts. Can you guys check it for me ? What's wrong? I'll drop the moonloader logs here :
Can anyone help me ?_?
[12:12:38.428710] (system) Session started.
[12:12:38.428710] (debug) Module handle: 72310000
MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137
Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team
[12:12:38.428710] (info) Working directory: D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader
[12:12:38.428710] (debug) FP Control: 0009001F
[12:12:38.428710] (debug) Game: GTA SA US
[12:12:38.428710] (system) Installing pre-game hooks...
[12:12:38.428710] (system) Hooks installed.
[12:12:39.114257] (debug) Initializing opcode handler table
[12:12:39.114257] (debug) package.path = D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.lua;D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\?.lua;D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.luac;D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\?.luac;D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[12:12:39.114257] (debug) package.cpath = D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[12:12:39.142578] (system) Loading script 'D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\AutoReboot.lua'...
[12:12:39.142578] (debug) New script: 02014888
[12:12:39.145507] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Loaded successfully.
[12:12:39.145507] (system) Loading script 'D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\check-moonloader-updates.lua'...
[12:12:39.145507] (debug) New script: 0201624C
[12:12:39.150390] (system) Check MoonLoader Updates: Loaded successfully.
[12:12:39.151367] (system) Loading script 'D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\deddosouru c-bug (v4).lua'...
[12:12:39.151367] (debug) New script: 02016DCC
[12:12:39.154296] (system) LEGAL C-BUG: Loaded successfully.
[12:12:39.155273] (system) Loading script 'D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\reload_all.lua'...
[12:12:39.155273] (debug) New script: 0201DE88
[12:12:39.157226] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Loaded successfully.
[12:12:39.157226] (system) Loading script 'D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\SF Integration.lua'...
[12:12:39.157226] (debug) New script: 0201ED38
[12:12:39.163085] (system) SF Integration: Loaded successfully.
[12:12:39.164062] (system) Loading script 'D:\Gta San Andreas\moonloader\SmoothAimbot.lua'...
[12:12:39.164062] (debug) New script: 0201F80C
[12:12:39.185546] (system) SmoothAimbot.lua: Loaded successfully.
[12:12:49.443359] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[12:12:49.443359] (system) Hooks installed.
[13:00:39.305664] (system) Unloading...
[13:00:39.305664] (system) ML-AutoReboot: Script terminated. (02014888)
[13:00:39.306640] (system) Check MoonLoader Updates: Script terminated. (0201624C)
[13:00:39.307617] (system) LEGAL C-BUG: Script terminated. (02016DCC)
[13:00:39.308593] (system) ML-ReloadAll: Script terminated. (0201DE88)
[13:00:39.308593] (system) SF Integration: Script terminated. (0201ED38)
[13:00:39.309570] (system) SmoothAimbot.lua: Script terminated. (0201F80C)
[13:00:39.345703] (system) Session terminated.
Can anyone help me ?_?
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