Заказ Buy custom/private cheat ( .DLL cheat)


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Hello. for how many months i've been approaching each ugbase member in discord to ask if they make custom cheats for samp. Some are not coders and mostly of the coders are busy/no time.
So instead i decided to post here.
What do i need?
1st autoscroll. dll for sawn - why not use cleo or other public cheat? i dont use cleo cause i keep my gta folder clean for checking purposes.
I already tried rampagehack. Yes it has autoscroll for sawn off but it has a buggy shit problem. I also tried cheat tw and project delyxe ( bought it with permanent license) still the auto scroll for sawn has a weird animation when scrolling. Also if u recommend buying the extremecheat ( i can but paypal is no longer available for paying method)
2. Triggerbot.dll - can shoot anything( while player is inside a vehicle like car,motor plane etc with adjustable delay ) with unique activision you can choose either hold a key or just press a key to on/off
3. Silent aimbot.dll - you can choose which bone part is to hit and has a feature for no spread for all weps , shoot thru walls ..etc like the common silent aim from public .
ps. We can talk about the price( dont care how much) and how the cheat will configure)
add and me in discord : wassup#3051
payment method only : paypal
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Привет. сколько месяцев я подходил к каждому участнику ugbase в дискорде, чтобы спросить, делают ли они кастомные читы для samp. Некоторые из них не кодеры, и большинство кодеров заняты/нет времени.
Поэтому вместо этого я решил опубликовать здесь.
Что мне нужно?
1-я автопрокрутка. dll для распила - почему бы не использовать клео или другой публичный чит? Я не использую cleo, потому что я держу свою папку gta в чистоте для проверки.
Я уже пробовал рампейджхак. Да, у него есть автопрокрутка для отпила, но у него есть проблема с глючным дерьмом. Я также пробовал чит tw и проект delyxe (купил с постоянной лицензией), но автопрокрутка для пилы имеет странную анимацию при прокрутке. Также, если вы рекомендуете купить экстремальный чит (я могу, но PayPal больше не доступен для оплаты)
2. Triggerbot.dll - может стрелять чем угодно (пока игрок находится внутри транспортного средства, такого как автомобиль, самолет и т. д. с регулируемой задержкой) с уникальной активацией, вы можете выбрать либо удержание клавиши, либо просто нажатие клавиши для включения / выключения.
3. Silent aimbot.dll - вы можете выбрать, в какую часть кости ударить, и имеет функцию отсутствия распространения для всех слез, стрелять сквозь стены и т. д., как обычный бесшумный прицел от публики.
пс. Можем поговорить о цене( не важно сколько) и как чит будет настраивать)
добавь и меня в раздор : wassup#3051
только способ оплаты: paypal
  • Bug
Реакции: я нерусский


Hello. for how many months i've been approaching each ugbase member in discord to ask if they make custom cheats for samp. Some are not coders and mostly of the coders are busy/no time.
So instead i decided to post here.
What do i need?
1st autoscroll. dll for sawn - why not use cleo or other public cheat? i dont use cleo cause i keep my gta folder clean for checking purposes.
I already tried rampagehack. Yes it has autoscroll for sawn off but it has a buggy shit problem. I also tried cheat tw and project delyxe ( bought it with permanent license) still the auto scroll for sawn has a weird animation when scrolling. Also if u recommend buying the extremecheat ( i can but paypal is no longer available for paying method)
2. Triggerbot.dll - can shoot anything( while player is inside a vehicle like car,motor plane etc with adjustable delay ) with unique activision you can choose either hold a key or just press a key to on/off
3. Silent aimbot.dll - you can choose which bone part is to hit and has a feature for no spread for all weps , shoot thru walls ..etc like the common silent aim from public .
ps. We can talk about the price( dont care how much) and how the cheat will configure)
add and me in discord : wassup#3051
payment method only : paypal
i see that you are eager to buy a cheat in samp

i suggest you buy ExtremeCheats, by far the best paid hack for its functionality, service and protection against cracks
(although it can be cracked pretty easily) it's superior than every other hack
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Реакции: leobear


Автор темы
i see that you are eager to buy a cheat in samp

i suggest you buy ExtremeCheats, by far the best paid hack for its functionality, service and protection against cracks
(although it can be cracked pretty easily) it's superior than every other hack
I can actually buy the extremecheat with permanent license the problem is i cant but because of the payment method ( no paypal, i tried using bank account but oplata doesn’t accept my country bank card) .

You can use the lua scripts, make a script to load and delete them, the game will be all and the folder will be empty

p.s sorry for my bad English
I dont use cleo, lua .sf . I really just want go use .dll


Всефорумный модератор
If you have problems with payment to russian bank cards, you will have the same problems with many employers here, isn't it?
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Реакции: rvng


Most of the cheats you describe here are very basic. An .ASI mod is a renamed .DLL file. Rename the cheats you need to .DLL and use an injector of choice to use them in game.
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Реакции: talberom