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  • cpm.cs
    42 KB · Просмотры: 47


{$CLEO .cs}

0AC6: 0@ = label @CPM_25091 offset
alloc 1@ 224
0AA6: call_method 4606176 struct 1@ num_params 0 pop 0 
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 16 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 20 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 196 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1
0AA6: call_method 4606976 struct 1@ num_params 1 pop 0 11056172 
0AC6: 0@ = label @CPM_178 offset
0A9F: 1@ = current_thread_pointer
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 16 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 20 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1

0000: NOP
thread "CPM"
0662: printstring "This cleo made by DubStep_"
0662: printstring "Special for Cheat-Master.Ru"
0662: printstring "My profile cheat-master.ru/index/8-47546"
wait 4000
jf @CPM_114
8AA9:   not is_game_version_original
jf @CPM_237
msg "[CPM.cs]: {852d2d}обнаружена неизвестная версия gta_sa.exe! Требуемая версия: US 1.0" 65280
call @CPM_5587 1 1
0209: 0@ = random_int_in_ranges 0 10
0209: 1@ = random_int_in_ranges 0 10
003B:   0@ == 1@ // (int)
jf @CPM_368
msg "{00ff00}[Cheat-Master.Ru]: {ffffff}Checkpoint Master by DubStep_ loaded." 65280
8AE4:   not directory_exists "CLEO\cfg"
jf @CPM_403
0AE5: create_directory "CLEO\cfg" // IF and SET
8AAB:   not file_exists "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg"
jf @CPM_752
setintini 800 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Wait"
setfloatini -65.5 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ"
setfloatini 50.0 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step"
setfloatini 55.0 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step2"
setstringini "cpm" "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
setstringini "NO" "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
setintini 1 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
setintini 1 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
0AAB:   file_exists "CLEO\cpm.ini"
jf @CPM_795
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\cpm.ini" // IF and SET
SAMP.GetScreenResolution(27@, 26@)
26@ -= 100
27@ /= 4.0
Dialog.Create(28@, "")
Dialog.AddStatic(28@, 1, "", 2, 0, 1500, 24)
Dialog.AddStatic(28@, 2, "", 2, 20, 1500, 24)
Dialog.SetRECT(28@, 27@, 26@, 0, 0)
Dialog.Create(23@, "{808080}Settings | Script by DubStep_")
SAMP.GetScreenResolution(25@, 26@)
25@ /= 2
26@ /= 2
26@ -= 200
25@ -= 150
Dialog.SetRECT(23@, 25@, 26@, 288, 300)
26@ = 10
Dialog.AddCheckBox(23@, 0, "{808080}Работа в свернутом режиме", 9, 26@, 550, 20)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddCheckBox(23@, 1, "{808080}Не умирать от голода", 9, 26@, 550, 20)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 2, "Интервал прыжка:", 9, 26@, 150, 20)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 3, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 4, "Глубина:", 9, 26@, 150, 20)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 5, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 6, "Длина прыжка:", 9, 26@, 150, 20)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 7, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 8, "Команда активации:", 9, 26@, 150, 20)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 9, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 10, "Чит-код деактивации:", 9, 26@, 170, 25)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 11, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 70
Dialog.AddButton(23@, 20, "Save", 100, 26@, 70, 30)
Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 0)
alloc 17@ 64
getstringini 17@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
jf @CPM_1539
reg_cmd 17@ @CPM_1725
jump @CPM_1551
reg_cmd "cpm" @CPM_1725
free 17@
wait 0
   not Dialog.IsVisible(23@)
jf @CPM_2988
  29@ == 1
jf @CPM_1556
20@ = 0
jump @CPM_1608
wait 0
getstringini 15@v "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
if and
8ADC:   not test_cheat 15@v
jf @CPM_4643
call @CPM_3926 0 3@ 4@ 12@
   not 3@ == 0.0
jf @CPM_4862
jump @CPM_4112
0C18: 10@ = strstr string1 1@ string2 "settings"
jf @CPM_2176
   not Dialog.IsVisible(23@)
jf @CPM_2158
Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 1)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(23@, 0, 17@)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(23@, 1, 17@)
alloc 17@ 128
memset 17@ 0 128
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Wait"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 3, 17@)
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 5, 17@)
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Step"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 7, 17@)
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 9, 17@)
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 11, 17@)
free 17@
jump @CPM_2169
Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 0)
jump @CPM_2986
jf @CPM_2757
   not 29@ == 1
jf @CPM_2611
29@ = 1
1@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
Car.LockInCurrentPosition(1@) = True
099A: set_car 1@ collision_detection 0
018C: play_sound 1052 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
print "CheckPointMaster ~g~ON" 3000
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 1, "{FFFFFF}CheckPointMaster by DubStep_ has been active")
alloc 21@ 400
format 21@ "Money: %d$" 20@
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 2, 21@)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
  17@ == 1
jf @CPM_2471
SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(19@, 82384, 2)
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(82384, 50064, 2)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
  17@ == 1
jf @CPM_2604
0A8C: write_memory 7634870 size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 7635034 size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1
0AC6: 13@ = label @CPM_5579 offset
memset 7623723 144 8
0AC6: 14@ = label @CPM_5573 offset
memset 5499528 144 6
jump @CPM_2986
getstringini 15@v "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
msg "{3CB371}[CheckPointMaster]: {FFFFFF}Чтобы выключить введите на клавиатуре {808080}%s" -1 15@v
jump @CPM_2986
getstringini 17@v "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
msg "{3CB371}[CheckPointMaster]: {FFFFFF}Вы должны находится за рулем транспорта" -1
msg "{3CB371}[CheckPointMaster]: {FFFFFF}Чтобы настроить скрипт введите {808080}/%s settings" -1 17@v
jump @CPM_2986
jf @CPM_3592
   Dialog.PopEvent(23@, 1@, 2@)
if or
  1@ == 1025
  1@ == 257
jf @CPM_3592
  2@ == 0
jf @CPM_3178
   Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(23@, 2@)
jf @CPM_3134
setintini 1 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
jump @CPM_3178
setintini 0 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
  2@ == 1
jf @CPM_3298
   Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(23@, 2@)
jf @CPM_3260
setintini 1 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
jump @CPM_3298
setintini 0 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
  2@ == 20
jf @CPM_3592
alloc 4@ 198
memset 4@ 0 128
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 3, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Wait"
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 5, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ"
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 7, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step"
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 9, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 11, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
free 4@
Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 0)
jump @CPM_1556
29@ = 0
log "> [CPM] Заработано ботом %d$" 20@
1@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
099A: set_car 1@ collision_detection 1
20@ = 0
018C: play_sound 1053 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
print "CheckPointMaster ~r~OFF" 3000
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 1, "")
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 2, "")
free 21@
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
  17@ == 1
jf @CPM_3806
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(82384, 19@, 2)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
  17@ == 1
jf @CPM_3919
0A8C: write_memory 7634870 size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 7635034 size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
0C10: memcpy destination 7623723 source 13@ size 8
0C10: memcpy destination 5499528 source 14@ size 6
jump @CPM_1556
12@ = 999.0
0@ = 0
wait 0
0085: 1@ = 0@ // (int)
1@ *= 56
1@ += 13103448
1@ += 16
0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 4
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 4
0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 5@, 6@, 7@)
050A: 8@ = distance_between_XYZ 2@ 3@ 4@ and_XYZ 5@ 6@ 7@
0087: 12@ = 8@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 2@ // (float)
0087: 10@ = 3@ // (float)
0087: 11@ = 4@ // (float)
ret 3 9@ 10@ 11@
wait 0
getintini 25@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Wait"
getfloatini 26@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ"
getfloatini 27@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step"
getfloatini 24@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step2"
call @CPM_3926 0 3@ 4@ 12@
   not 3@ == 0.0
jf @CPM_4862
12@ -= 5.5
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
0509: 11@ = distance_between_XY 3@ 4@ and_XY 0@ 1@
8035:   not  11@ >= 24@ // (float)
jf @CPM_4489
Car.LockInCurrentPosition(30@) = True
12@ -= 20.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 3@, 4@, 12@)
wait 900
12@ += 20.0
call @CPM_4736 3 3@ 4@ 12@
056E:   car 30@ defined
jf @CPM_4862
30@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
20@ += 25
format 21@ "Money: %d$" 20@
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 2, 21@)
jump @CPM_4862
0063: 3@ -= 0@ // (float)
0063: 4@ -= 1@ // (float)
0604: get_Z_angle_for_point 3@ 4@ store_to 6@
Actor.Angle($0[3]) = 6@
Actor.LockInCurrentPosition($0[3]) = True
jf @CPM_4574
30@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
Car.Angle(30@) = 6@
wait 0
Car.LockInCurrentPosition(30@) = True
04C4: store_coords_to 8@ 9@ 10@ from_actor $0[3] with_offset 0.0 27@ 0.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 8@, 9@, 26@)
wait 25@
0ADC:   test_cheat 15@v
jf @CPM_4112
jump @CPM_4643
wait 0
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
02CE: 2@ = ground_z_at 0@ 1@ 999.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
Actor.LockInCurrentPosition($0[3]) = False
056E:   car 30@ defined
jf @CPM_3599
30@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
Car.LockInCurrentPosition(30@) = False
jump @CPM_3599
3@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle($0[3])
3@ = SAMP.GetPlayerStruct(3@)
3@ += 201
alloc 4@ 63
0C10: memcpy destination 4@ source 3@ size 63
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 24 size 4 = 0@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 28 size 4 = 1@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 32 size 4 = 2@
5@ = BitStream.New()
BitStream.Write(5@, 219, BS_TYPE_BYTE, 1)
BitStream.Write(5@, 4@, BS_TYPE_ARRAY, 63)
free 4@
ret 0
wait 700
if and
8ADC:   not test_cheat 15@v
jf @CPM_4643
call @CPM_5423 1 98 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Остановка! Ждите пассажиров"
jf @CPM_1608
jump @CPM_4958
wait 0
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
02CE: 2@ = ground_z_at 0@ 1@ 999.99
2@ -= 90.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
if and
8ADC:   not test_cheat 15@v
jf @CPM_4643
call @CPM_5423 1 99 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше"
jf @CPM_5102
jump @CPM_5297
call @CPM_5423 1 98 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше"
jf @CPM_5167
jump @CPM_5297
call @CPM_5423 1 97 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше"
jf @CPM_5232
jump @CPM_5297
call @CPM_5423 1 96 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше"
jf @CPM_4958
jump @CPM_5297
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
02CE: 2@ = ground_z_at 0@ 1@ 999.99
2@ -= 20.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
0208: 13@ = random_float_in_ranges -2.5 2.5
0208: 14@ = random_float_in_ranges -2.5 2.5
005B: 13@ += 0@ // (float)
005B: 14@ += 1@ // (float)
call @CPM_4736 3 0@ 1@ 2@
jump @CPM_1608
call @CPM_5497 0 1@
1@ += 2173548
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 310
0@ *= 252
005A: 1@ += 0@ // (int)
1@ += 28
ret 1 1@
0AA2: 31@ = load_library "kernel32.dll" // IF and SET
0AA4: 30@ = get_proc_address "GetModuleHandleA" library 31@ // IF and SET
0AA7: call_function 30@ num_params 1 pop 0 "samp.dll" 0@ 
ret 1 0@
840F:   not
Actor.SetWeaponAmmo(, 0@, 0@)
00 50

51 FF 15 00
   not Player.InZone(, 0@)
0AAB:   file_exists "CLEO\cpm.cs"
jf @CPM_7005
8AE4:   not directory_exists "CLEO\DubStep_ upd"
jf @CPM_5666
0AE5: create_directory "CLEO\DubStep_ upd" // IF and SET
alloc 10@ 256
alloc 1@ 256
format 10@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver"
gosub @CPM_7188
call @CPM_6826 2 10@ 1@ 2@
free 10@
free 1@
32@ = 0
wait 0
0AAB:   file_exists "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver"
jf @CPM_5809
jump @CPM_5908
  32@ > 30000
jf @CPM_5901
msg "{EBFFC9}Ошибка проверки обновления. Скрипт: {B9C9BF}cpm.cs" 15466441
ret 0
jump @CPM_5758
0AAB:   file_exists "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver"
jf @CPM_6142
getfloatini 30@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getfloatini 31@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 5@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 6@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
jump @CPM_6374
setfloatini 1.0 "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getfloatini 30@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getfloatini 31@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 5@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 6@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
0025:   31@ > 30@ // (float)
jf @CPM_6790
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\cpm.cs" // IF and SET
alloc 1@ 256
alloc 2@ 256
alloc 4@ 128
format 2@ "cleo\cpm.cs"
gosub @CPM_7258
call @CPM_6826 2 2@ 1@ 3@
setfloatini 31@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 6@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
format 4@ "cpm.cs"
  0@ == 1
jf @CPM_6705
wait 0
jf @CPM_6600
wait 500
alloc 10@ 256
format 10@ "{00ff00}%s {808080}version %s" 4@ 6@s
0AC6: 20@ = label @CPM_6904 offset
SAMP.ShowDialog(120, 10@, 20@, "Close", "", DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX)
free 10@
wait 0
0AAB:   file_exists "CLEO\cpm.cs"
jf @CPM_6705
run 4@
free 1@
free 2@
free 4@
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" // IF and SET
jump @CPM_6819
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" // IF and SET
jump @CPM_7327
0AA2: 10@ = load_library "Urlmon.dll" // IF and SET
0AA4: 11@ = get_proc_address "URLDownloadToFileA" library 10@ // IF and SET
0AA7: call_function 11@ num_params 5 pop 0 0 0 0@ 1@ 0 12@ 
ret 1 12@
20 0A 20 0A 20 0A 7B 30 30 66 66 30 30 7D CE E1
ED EE E2 EB E5 ED E8 FF 3A 0A 20 0A 7B 66 66 66
66 66 66 7D 2D 20 CF F0 EE F4 E8 EA F8 E5 ED 20
EA E8 EA 20 E7 E0 20 E0 F4 EA 2E 20 C1 E0 E3 20
F1 20 EA EE EC E0 ED E4 EE E9 20 F2 EE E6 E5 20
E8 F1 EF F0 E0 E2 EB E5 ED E0 0A 20 0A 20 0A 20
0A 20 0A 20 00 F8 0A 0E 00 04

FF 00
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "Внимание!" -1342190848

msg "Скрипт cpm.cs был переименован вами." -1342190848
msg "Он не будет работать, пока не вернете прежнее имя." -1342190848
format 1@ "https:%c%cwww.dropbox.com/s/0dhtgcm4ezluy3u/CPM.ver?dl=1" 47 47
format 1@ "https:%c%cwww.dropbox.com/s/3d408zhcwd7jcp7/CPM.cs?dl=1" 47 47
ret 0
  • Нравится
Реакции: bratbrata


Автор темы
{$CLEO .cs}

0AC6: 0@ = label @CPM_25091 offset
alloc 1@ 224
0AA6: call_method 4606176 struct 1@ num_params 0 pop 0
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 16 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 20 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 196 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1
0AA6: call_method 4606976 struct 1@ num_params 1 pop 0 11056172
0AC6: 0@ = label @CPM_178 offset
0A9F: 1@ = current_thread_pointer
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 16 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 20 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1

0000: NOP
thread "CPM"
0662: printstring "This cleo made by DubStep_"
0662: printstring "Special for Cheat-Master.Ru"
0662: printstring "My profile cheat-master.ru/index/8-47546"
wait 4000
jf @CPM_114
8AA9:   not is_game_version_original
jf @CPM_237
msg "[CPM.cs]: {852d2d}обнаружена неизвестная версия gta_sa.exe! Требуемая версия: US 1.0" 65280
call @CPM_5587 1 1
0209: 0@ = random_int_in_ranges 0 10
0209: 1@ = random_int_in_ranges 0 10
003B:   0@ == 1@ // (int)
jf @CPM_368
msg "{00ff00}[Cheat-Master.Ru]: {ffffff}Checkpoint Master by DubStep_ loaded." 65280
8AE4:   not directory_exists "CLEO\cfg"
jf @CPM_403
0AE5: create_directory "CLEO\cfg" // IF and SET
8AAB:   not file_exists "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg"
jf @CPM_752
setintini 800 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Wait"
setfloatini -65.5 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ"
setfloatini 50.0 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step"
setfloatini 55.0 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step2"
setstringini "cpm" "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
setstringini "NO" "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
setintini 1 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
setintini 1 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
0AAB:   file_exists "CLEO\cpm.ini"
jf @CPM_795
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\cpm.ini" // IF and SET
SAMP.GetScreenResolution(27@, 26@)
26@ -= 100
27@ /= 4.0
Dialog.Create(28@, "")
Dialog.AddStatic(28@, 1, "", 2, 0, 1500, 24)
Dialog.AddStatic(28@, 2, "", 2, 20, 1500, 24)
Dialog.SetRECT(28@, 27@, 26@, 0, 0)
Dialog.Create(23@, "{808080}Settings | Script by DubStep_")
SAMP.GetScreenResolution(25@, 26@)
25@ /= 2
26@ /= 2
26@ -= 200
25@ -= 150
Dialog.SetRECT(23@, 25@, 26@, 288, 300)
26@ = 10
Dialog.AddCheckBox(23@, 0, "{808080}Работа в свернутом режиме", 9, 26@, 550, 20)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddCheckBox(23@, 1, "{808080}Не умирать от голода", 9, 26@, 550, 20)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 2, "Интервал прыжка:", 9, 26@, 150, 20)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 3, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 4, "Глубина:", 9, 26@, 150, 20)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 5, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 6, "Длина прыжка:", 9, 26@, 150, 20)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 7, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 8, "Команда активации:", 9, 26@, 150, 20)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 9, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 10, "Чит-код деактивации:", 9, 26@, 170, 25)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 11, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 70
Dialog.AddButton(23@, 20, "Save", 100, 26@, 70, 30)
Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 0)
alloc 17@ 64
getstringini 17@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
jf @CPM_1539
reg_cmd 17@ @CPM_1725
jump @CPM_1551
reg_cmd "cpm" @CPM_1725
free 17@
wait 0
   not Dialog.IsVisible(23@)
jf @CPM_2988
  29@ == 1
jf @CPM_1556
20@ = 0
jump @CPM_1608
wait 0
getstringini 15@v "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
if and
8ADC:   not test_cheat 15@v
jf @CPM_4643
call @CPM_3926 0 3@ 4@ 12@
   not 3@ == 0.0
jf @CPM_4862
jump @CPM_4112
0C18: 10@ = strstr string1 1@ string2 "settings"
jf @CPM_2176
   not Dialog.IsVisible(23@)
jf @CPM_2158
Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 1)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(23@, 0, 17@)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(23@, 1, 17@)
alloc 17@ 128
memset 17@ 0 128
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Wait"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 3, 17@)
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 5, 17@)
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Step"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 7, 17@)
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 9, 17@)
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 11, 17@)
free 17@
jump @CPM_2169
Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 0)
jump @CPM_2986
jf @CPM_2757
   not 29@ == 1
jf @CPM_2611
29@ = 1
1@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
Car.LockInCurrentPosition(1@) = True
099A: set_car 1@ collision_detection 0
018C: play_sound 1052 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
print "CheckPointMaster ~g~ON" 3000
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 1, "{FFFFFF}CheckPointMaster by DubStep_ has been active")
alloc 21@ 400
format 21@ "Money: %d$" 20@
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 2, 21@)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
  17@ == 1
jf @CPM_2471
SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(19@, 82384, 2)
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(82384, 50064, 2)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
  17@ == 1
jf @CPM_2604
0A8C: write_memory 7634870 size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 7635034 size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1
0AC6: 13@ = label @CPM_5579 offset
memset 7623723 144 8
0AC6: 14@ = label @CPM_5573 offset
memset 5499528 144 6
jump @CPM_2986
getstringini 15@v "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
msg "{3CB371}[CheckPointMaster]: {FFFFFF}Чтобы выключить введите на клавиатуре {808080}%s" -1 15@v
jump @CPM_2986
getstringini 17@v "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
msg "{3CB371}[CheckPointMaster]: {FFFFFF}Вы должны находится за рулем транспорта" -1
msg "{3CB371}[CheckPointMaster]: {FFFFFF}Чтобы настроить скрипт введите {808080}/%s settings" -1 17@v
jump @CPM_2986
jf @CPM_3592
   Dialog.PopEvent(23@, 1@, 2@)
if or
  1@ == 1025
  1@ == 257
jf @CPM_3592
  2@ == 0
jf @CPM_3178
   Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(23@, 2@)
jf @CPM_3134
setintini 1 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
jump @CPM_3178
setintini 0 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
  2@ == 1
jf @CPM_3298
   Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(23@, 2@)
jf @CPM_3260
setintini 1 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
jump @CPM_3298
setintini 0 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
  2@ == 20
jf @CPM_3592
alloc 4@ 198
memset 4@ 0 128
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 3, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Wait"
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 5, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ"
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 7, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step"
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 9, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 11, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
free 4@
Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 0)
jump @CPM_1556
29@ = 0
log "> [CPM] Заработано ботом %d$" 20@
1@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
099A: set_car 1@ collision_detection 1
20@ = 0
018C: play_sound 1053 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
print "CheckPointMaster ~r~OFF" 3000
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 1, "")
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 2, "")
free 21@
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
  17@ == 1
jf @CPM_3806
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(82384, 19@, 2)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
  17@ == 1
jf @CPM_3919
0A8C: write_memory 7634870 size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 7635034 size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
0C10: memcpy destination 7623723 source 13@ size 8
0C10: memcpy destination 5499528 source 14@ size 6
jump @CPM_1556
12@ = 999.0
0@ = 0
wait 0
0085: 1@ = 0@ // (int)
1@ *= 56
1@ += 13103448
1@ += 16
0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 4
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 4
0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 5@, 6@, 7@)
050A: 8@ = distance_between_XYZ 2@ 3@ 4@ and_XYZ 5@ 6@ 7@
0087: 12@ = 8@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 2@ // (float)
0087: 10@ = 3@ // (float)
0087: 11@ = 4@ // (float)
ret 3 9@ 10@ 11@
wait 0
getintini 25@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Wait"
getfloatini 26@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ"
getfloatini 27@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step"
getfloatini 24@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step2"
call @CPM_3926 0 3@ 4@ 12@
   not 3@ == 0.0
jf @CPM_4862
12@ -= 5.5
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
0509: 11@ = distance_between_XY 3@ 4@ and_XY 0@ 1@
8035:   not  11@ >= 24@ // (float)
jf @CPM_4489
Car.LockInCurrentPosition(30@) = True
12@ -= 20.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 3@, 4@, 12@)
wait 900
12@ += 20.0
call @CPM_4736 3 3@ 4@ 12@
056E:   car 30@ defined
jf @CPM_4862
30@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
20@ += 25
format 21@ "Money: %d$" 20@
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 2, 21@)
jump @CPM_4862
0063: 3@ -= 0@ // (float)
0063: 4@ -= 1@ // (float)
0604: get_Z_angle_for_point 3@ 4@ store_to 6@
Actor.Angle($0[3]) = 6@
Actor.LockInCurrentPosition($0[3]) = True
jf @CPM_4574
30@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
Car.Angle(30@) = 6@
wait 0
Car.LockInCurrentPosition(30@) = True
04C4: store_coords_to 8@ 9@ 10@ from_actor $0[3] with_offset 0.0 27@ 0.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 8@, 9@, 26@)
wait 25@
0ADC:   test_cheat 15@v
jf @CPM_4112
jump @CPM_4643
wait 0
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
02CE: 2@ = ground_z_at 0@ 1@ 999.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
Actor.LockInCurrentPosition($0[3]) = False
056E:   car 30@ defined
jf @CPM_3599
30@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
Car.LockInCurrentPosition(30@) = False
jump @CPM_3599
3@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle($0[3])
3@ = SAMP.GetPlayerStruct(3@)
3@ += 201
alloc 4@ 63
0C10: memcpy destination 4@ source 3@ size 63
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 24 size 4 = 0@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 28 size 4 = 1@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 32 size 4 = 2@
5@ = BitStream.New()
BitStream.Write(5@, 219, BS_TYPE_BYTE, 1)
BitStream.Write(5@, 4@, BS_TYPE_ARRAY, 63)
free 4@
ret 0
wait 700
if and
8ADC:   not test_cheat 15@v
jf @CPM_4643
call @CPM_5423 1 98 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Остановка! Ждите пассажиров"
jf @CPM_1608
jump @CPM_4958
wait 0
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
02CE: 2@ = ground_z_at 0@ 1@ 999.99
2@ -= 90.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
if and
8ADC:   not test_cheat 15@v
jf @CPM_4643
call @CPM_5423 1 99 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше"
jf @CPM_5102
jump @CPM_5297
call @CPM_5423 1 98 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше"
jf @CPM_5167
jump @CPM_5297
call @CPM_5423 1 97 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше"
jf @CPM_5232
jump @CPM_5297
call @CPM_5423 1 96 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше"
jf @CPM_4958
jump @CPM_5297
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
02CE: 2@ = ground_z_at 0@ 1@ 999.99
2@ -= 20.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
0208: 13@ = random_float_in_ranges -2.5 2.5
0208: 14@ = random_float_in_ranges -2.5 2.5
005B: 13@ += 0@ // (float)
005B: 14@ += 1@ // (float)
call @CPM_4736 3 0@ 1@ 2@
jump @CPM_1608
call @CPM_5497 0 1@
1@ += 2173548
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 310
0@ *= 252
005A: 1@ += 0@ // (int)
1@ += 28
ret 1 1@
0AA2: 31@ = load_library "kernel32.dll" // IF and SET
0AA4: 30@ = get_proc_address "GetModuleHandleA" library 31@ // IF and SET
0AA7: call_function 30@ num_params 1 pop 0 "samp.dll" 0@
ret 1 0@
840F:   not
Actor.SetWeaponAmmo(, 0@, 0@)
00 50

51 FF 15 00
   not Player.InZone(, 0@)
0AAB:   file_exists "CLEO\cpm.cs"
jf @CPM_7005
8AE4:   not directory_exists "CLEO\DubStep_ upd"
jf @CPM_5666
0AE5: create_directory "CLEO\DubStep_ upd" // IF and SET
alloc 10@ 256
alloc 1@ 256
format 10@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver"
gosub @CPM_7188
call @CPM_6826 2 10@ 1@ 2@
free 10@
free 1@
32@ = 0
wait 0
0AAB:   file_exists "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver"
jf @CPM_5809
jump @CPM_5908
  32@ > 30000
jf @CPM_5901
msg "{EBFFC9}Ошибка проверки обновления. Скрипт: {B9C9BF}cpm.cs" 15466441
ret 0
jump @CPM_5758
0AAB:   file_exists "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver"
jf @CPM_6142
getfloatini 30@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getfloatini 31@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 5@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 6@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
jump @CPM_6374
setfloatini 1.0 "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getfloatini 30@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getfloatini 31@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 5@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 6@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
0025:   31@ > 30@ // (float)
jf @CPM_6790
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\cpm.cs" // IF and SET
alloc 1@ 256
alloc 2@ 256
alloc 4@ 128
format 2@ "cleo\cpm.cs"
gosub @CPM_7258
call @CPM_6826 2 2@ 1@ 3@
setfloatini 31@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 6@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
format 4@ "cpm.cs"
  0@ == 1
jf @CPM_6705
wait 0
jf @CPM_6600
wait 500
alloc 10@ 256
format 10@ "{00ff00}%s {808080}version %s" 4@ 6@s
0AC6: 20@ = label @CPM_6904 offset
SAMP.ShowDialog(120, 10@, 20@, "Close", "", DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX)
free 10@
wait 0
0AAB:   file_exists "CLEO\cpm.cs"
jf @CPM_6705
run 4@
free 1@
free 2@
free 4@
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" // IF and SET
jump @CPM_6819
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" // IF and SET
jump @CPM_7327
0AA2: 10@ = load_library "Urlmon.dll" // IF and SET
0AA4: 11@ = get_proc_address "URLDownloadToFileA" library 10@ // IF and SET
0AA7: call_function 11@ num_params 5 pop 0 0 0 0@ 1@ 0 12@
ret 1 12@
20 0A 20 0A 20 0A 7B 30 30 66 66 30 30 7D CE E1
ED EE E2 EB E5 ED E8 FF 3A 0A 20 0A 7B 66 66 66
66 66 66 7D 2D 20 CF F0 EE F4 E8 EA F8 E5 ED 20
EA E8 EA 20 E7 E0 20 E0 F4 EA 2E 20 C1 E0 E3 20
F1 20 EA EE EC E0 ED E4 EE E9 20 F2 EE E6 E5 20
E8 F1 EF F0 E0 E2 EB E5 ED E0 0A 20 0A 20 0A 20
0A 20 0A 20 00 F8 0A 0E 00 04

FF 00
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "Внимание!" -1342190848

msg "Скрипт cpm.cs был переименован вами." -1342190848
msg "Он не будет работать, пока не вернете прежнее имя." -1342190848
format 1@ "https:%c%cwww.dropbox.com/s/0dhtgcm4ezluy3u/CPM.ver?dl=1" 47 47
format 1@ "https:%c%cwww.dropbox.com/s/3d408zhcwd7jcp7/CPM.cs?dl=1" 47 47
ret 0

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