{$CLEO .cs}
0AC6: 0@ = label @CPM_25091 offset
alloc 1@ 224
0AA6: call_method 4606176 struct 1@ num_params 0 pop 0
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 16 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 20 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 196 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1
0AA6: call_method 4606976 struct 1@ num_params 1 pop 0 11056172
0AC6: 0@ = label @CPM_178 offset
0A9F: 1@ = current_thread_pointer
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 16 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1
0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 20 // int
0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1
0000: NOP
thread "CPM"
0662: printstring "This cleo made by DubStep_"
0662: printstring "Special for Cheat-Master.Ru"
0662: printstring "My profile cheat-master.ru/index/8-47546"
wait 4000
jf @CPM_114
8AA9: not is_game_version_original
jf @CPM_237
msg "[CPM.cs]: {852d2d}обнаружена неизвестная версия gta_sa.exe! Требуемая версия: US 1.0" 65280
call @CPM_5587 1 1
0209: 0@ = random_int_in_ranges 0 10
0209: 1@ = random_int_in_ranges 0 10
003B: 0@ == 1@ // (int)
jf @CPM_368
msg "{00ff00}[Cheat-Master.Ru]: {ffffff}Checkpoint Master by DubStep_ loaded." 65280
8AE4: not directory_exists "CLEO\cfg"
jf @CPM_403
0AE5: create_directory "CLEO\cfg" // IF and SET
8AAB: not file_exists "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg"
jf @CPM_752
setintini 800 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Wait"
setfloatini -65.5 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ"
setfloatini 50.0 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step"
setfloatini 55.0 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step2"
setstringini "cpm" "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
setstringini "NO" "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
setintini 1 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
setintini 1 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\cpm.ini"
jf @CPM_795
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\cpm.ini" // IF and SET
SAMP.GetScreenResolution(27@, 26@)
26@ -= 100
27@ /= 4.0
Dialog.Create(28@, "")
Dialog.AddStatic(28@, 1, "", 2, 0, 1500, 24)
Dialog.AddStatic(28@, 2, "", 2, 20, 1500, 24)
Dialog.SetRECT(28@, 27@, 26@, 0, 0)
Dialog.Create(23@, "{808080}Settings | Script by DubStep_")
SAMP.GetScreenResolution(25@, 26@)
25@ /= 2
26@ /= 2
26@ -= 200
25@ -= 150
Dialog.SetRECT(23@, 25@, 26@, 288, 300)
26@ = 10
Dialog.AddCheckBox(23@, 0, "{808080}Работа в свернутом режиме", 9, 26@, 550, 20)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddCheckBox(23@, 1, "{808080}Не умирать от голода", 9, 26@, 550, 20)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 2, "Интервал прыжка:", 9, 26@, 150, 20)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 3, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 4, "Глубина:", 9, 26@, 150, 20)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 5, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 6, "Длина прыжка:", 9, 26@, 150, 20)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 7, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 8, "Команда активации:", 9, 26@, 150, 20)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 9, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 30
Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 10, "Чит-код деактивации:", 9, 26@, 170, 25)
26@ -= 3
Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 11, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33)
26@ += 70
Dialog.AddButton(23@, 20, "Save", 100, 26@, 70, 30)
Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 0)
alloc 17@ 64
getstringini 17@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
jf @CPM_1539
reg_cmd 17@ @CPM_1725
jump @CPM_1551
reg_cmd "cpm" @CPM_1725
free 17@
wait 0
not Dialog.IsVisible(23@)
jf @CPM_2988
29@ == 1
jf @CPM_1556
20@ = 0
jump @CPM_1608
wait 0
getstringini 15@v "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
if and
8ADC: not test_cheat 15@v
jf @CPM_4643
call @CPM_3926 0 3@ 4@ 12@
not 3@ == 0.0
jf @CPM_4862
jump @CPM_4112
0C18: 10@ = strstr string1 1@ string2 "settings"
jf @CPM_2176
not Dialog.IsVisible(23@)
jf @CPM_2158
Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 1)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(23@, 0, 17@)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(23@, 1, 17@)
alloc 17@ 128
memset 17@ 0 128
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Wait"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 3, 17@)
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 5, 17@)
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Step"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 7, 17@)
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 9, 17@)
getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 11, 17@)
free 17@
jump @CPM_2169
Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 0)
jump @CPM_2986
jf @CPM_2757
not 29@ == 1
jf @CPM_2611
29@ = 1
1@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
Car.LockInCurrentPosition(1@) = True
099A: set_car 1@ collision_detection 0
018C: play_sound 1052 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
print "CheckPointMaster ~g~ON" 3000
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 1, "{FFFFFF}CheckPointMaster by DubStep_ has been active")
alloc 21@ 400
format 21@ "Money: %d$" 20@
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 2, 21@)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
17@ == 1
jf @CPM_2471
SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(19@, 82384, 2)
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(82384, 50064, 2)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
17@ == 1
jf @CPM_2604
0A8C: write_memory 7634870 size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 7635034 size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1
0AC6: 13@ = label @CPM_5579 offset
memset 7623723 144 8
0AC6: 14@ = label @CPM_5573 offset
memset 5499528 144 6
jump @CPM_2986
getstringini 15@v "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
msg "{3CB371}[CheckPointMaster]: {FFFFFF}Чтобы выключить введите на клавиатуре {808080}%s" -1 15@v
jump @CPM_2986
getstringini 17@v "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
msg "{3CB371}[CheckPointMaster]: {FFFFFF}Вы должны находится за рулем транспорта" -1
msg "{3CB371}[CheckPointMaster]: {FFFFFF}Чтобы настроить скрипт введите {808080}/%s settings" -1 17@v
jump @CPM_2986
jf @CPM_3592
Dialog.PopEvent(23@, 1@, 2@)
if or
1@ == 1025
1@ == 257
jf @CPM_3592
2@ == 0
jf @CPM_3178
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(23@, 2@)
jf @CPM_3134
setintini 1 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
jump @CPM_3178
setintini 0 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
2@ == 1
jf @CPM_3298
Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(23@, 2@)
jf @CPM_3260
setintini 1 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
jump @CPM_3298
setintini 0 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
2@ == 20
jf @CPM_3592
alloc 4@ 198
memset 4@ 0 128
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 3, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Wait"
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 5, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ"
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 7, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step"
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 9, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate"
Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 11, 4@)
setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate"
free 4@
Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 0)
jump @CPM_1556
29@ = 0
log "> [CPM] Заработано ботом %d$" 20@
1@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
099A: set_car 1@ collision_detection 1
20@ = 0
018C: play_sound 1053 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
print "CheckPointMaster ~r~OFF" 3000
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 1, "")
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 2, "")
free 21@
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод"
17@ == 1
jf @CPM_3806
SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(82384, 19@, 2)
getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим"
17@ == 1
jf @CPM_3919
0A8C: write_memory 7634870 size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
0A8C: write_memory 7635034 size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1
0C10: memcpy destination 7623723 source 13@ size 8
0C10: memcpy destination 5499528 source 14@ size 6
jump @CPM_1556
12@ = 999.0
0@ = 0
wait 0
0085: 1@ = 0@ // (int)
1@ *= 56
1@ += 13103448
1@ += 16
0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 4
0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 4
0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 5@, 6@, 7@)
050A: 8@ = distance_between_XYZ 2@ 3@ 4@ and_XYZ 5@ 6@ 7@
0087: 12@ = 8@ // (float)
0087: 9@ = 2@ // (float)
0087: 10@ = 3@ // (float)
0087: 11@ = 4@ // (float)
ret 3 9@ 10@ 11@
wait 0
getintini 25@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Wait"
getfloatini 26@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ"
getfloatini 27@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step"
getfloatini 24@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step2"
call @CPM_3926 0 3@ 4@ 12@
not 3@ == 0.0
jf @CPM_4862
12@ -= 5.5
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
0509: 11@ = distance_between_XY 3@ 4@ and_XY 0@ 1@
8035: not 11@ >= 24@ // (float)
jf @CPM_4489
Car.LockInCurrentPosition(30@) = True
12@ -= 20.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 3@, 4@, 12@)
wait 900
12@ += 20.0
call @CPM_4736 3 3@ 4@ 12@
056E: car 30@ defined
jf @CPM_4862
30@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
20@ += 25
format 21@ "Money: %d$" 20@
Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 2, 21@)
jump @CPM_4862
0063: 3@ -= 0@ // (float)
0063: 4@ -= 1@ // (float)
0604: get_Z_angle_for_point 3@ 4@ store_to 6@
Actor.Angle($0[3]) = 6@
Actor.LockInCurrentPosition($0[3]) = True
jf @CPM_4574
30@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
Car.Angle(30@) = 6@
wait 0
Car.LockInCurrentPosition(30@) = True
04C4: store_coords_to 8@ 9@ 10@ from_actor $0[3] with_offset 0.0 27@ 0.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 8@, 9@, 26@)
wait 25@
0ADC: test_cheat 15@v
jf @CPM_4112
jump @CPM_4643
wait 0
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
02CE: 2@ = ground_z_at 0@ 1@ 999.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
Actor.LockInCurrentPosition($0[3]) = False
056E: car 30@ defined
jf @CPM_3599
30@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3])
Car.LockInCurrentPosition(30@) = False
jump @CPM_3599
3@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle($0[3])
3@ = SAMP.GetPlayerStruct(3@)
3@ += 201
alloc 4@ 63
0C10: memcpy destination 4@ source 3@ size 63
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 24 size 4 = 0@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 28 size 4 = 1@
0C0D: struct 4@ offset 32 size 4 = 2@
5@ = BitStream.New()
BitStream.Write(5@, 219, BS_TYPE_BYTE, 1)
BitStream.Write(5@, 4@, BS_TYPE_ARRAY, 63)
free 4@
ret 0
wait 700
if and
8ADC: not test_cheat 15@v
jf @CPM_4643
call @CPM_5423 1 98 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Остановка! Ждите пассажиров"
jf @CPM_1608
jump @CPM_4958
wait 0
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
02CE: 2@ = ground_z_at 0@ 1@ 999.99
2@ -= 90.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
if and
8ADC: not test_cheat 15@v
jf @CPM_4643
call @CPM_5423 1 99 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше"
jf @CPM_5102
jump @CPM_5297
call @CPM_5423 1 98 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше"
jf @CPM_5167
jump @CPM_5297
call @CPM_5423 1 97 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше"
jf @CPM_5232
jump @CPM_5297
call @CPM_5423 1 96 18@
0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше"
jf @CPM_4958
jump @CPM_5297
Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
02CE: 2@ = ground_z_at 0@ 1@ 999.99
2@ -= 20.0
Actor.PutAt($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@)
0208: 13@ = random_float_in_ranges -2.5 2.5
0208: 14@ = random_float_in_ranges -2.5 2.5
005B: 13@ += 0@ // (float)
005B: 14@ += 1@ // (float)
call @CPM_4736 3 0@ 1@ 2@
jump @CPM_1608
call @CPM_5497 0 1@
1@ += 2173548
0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0
1@ += 310
0@ *= 252
005A: 1@ += 0@ // (int)
1@ += 28
ret 1 1@
0AA2: 31@ = load_library "kernel32.dll" // IF and SET
0AA4: 30@ = get_proc_address "GetModuleHandleA" library 31@ // IF and SET
0AA7: call_function 30@ num_params 1 pop 0 "samp.dll" 0@
ret 1 0@
840F: not
Actor.SetWeaponAmmo(, 0@, 0@)
00 50
51 FF 15 00
not Player.InZone(, 0@)
0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\cpm.cs"
jf @CPM_7005
8AE4: not directory_exists "CLEO\DubStep_ upd"
jf @CPM_5666
0AE5: create_directory "CLEO\DubStep_ upd" // IF and SET
alloc 10@ 256
alloc 1@ 256
format 10@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver"
gosub @CPM_7188
call @CPM_6826 2 10@ 1@ 2@
free 10@
free 1@
32@ = 0
wait 0
0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver"
jf @CPM_5809
jump @CPM_5908
32@ > 30000
jf @CPM_5901
msg "{EBFFC9}Ошибка проверки обновления. Скрипт: {B9C9BF}cpm.cs" 15466441
ret 0
jump @CPM_5758
0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver"
jf @CPM_6142
getfloatini 30@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getfloatini 31@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 5@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 6@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
jump @CPM_6374
setfloatini 1.0 "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getfloatini 30@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getfloatini 31@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 5@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 6@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
0025: 31@ > 30@ // (float)
jf @CPM_6790
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\cpm.cs" // IF and SET
alloc 1@ 256
alloc 2@ 256
alloc 4@ 128
format 2@ "cleo\cpm.cs"
gosub @CPM_7258
call @CPM_6826 2 2@ 1@ 3@
setfloatini 31@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm"
getstringini 6@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm"
format 4@ "cpm.cs"
0@ == 1
jf @CPM_6705
wait 0
jf @CPM_6600
wait 500
alloc 10@ 256
format 10@ "{00ff00}%s {808080}version %s" 4@ 6@s
0AC6: 20@ = label @CPM_6904 offset
SAMP.ShowDialog(120, 10@, 20@, "Close", "", DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX)
free 10@
wait 0
0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\cpm.cs"
jf @CPM_6705
run 4@
free 1@
free 2@
free 4@
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" // IF and SET
jump @CPM_6819
0B00: delete_file "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" // IF and SET
jump @CPM_7327
0AA2: 10@ = load_library "Urlmon.dll" // IF and SET
0AA4: 11@ = get_proc_address "URLDownloadToFileA" library 10@ // IF and SET
0AA7: call_function 11@ num_params 5 pop 0 0 0 0@ 1@ 0 12@
ret 1 12@
20 0A 20 0A 20 0A 7B 30 30 66 66 30 30 7D CE E1
ED EE E2 EB E5 ED E8 FF 3A 0A 20 0A 7B 66 66 66
66 66 66 7D 2D 20 CF F0 EE F4 E8 EA F8 E5 ED 20
EA E8 EA 20 E7 E0 20 E0 F4 EA 2E 20 C1 E0 E3 20
F1 20 EA EE EC E0 ED E4 EE E9 20 F2 EE E6 E5 20
E8 F1 EF F0 E0 E2 EB E5 ED E0 0A 20 0A 20 0A 20
0A 20 0A 20 00 F8 0A 0E 00 04
FF 00
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "" -1
msg "Внимание!" -1342190848
msg "Скрипт cpm.cs был переименован вами." -1342190848
msg "Он не будет работать, пока не вернете прежнее имя." -1342190848
format 1@ "https:%c%cwww.dropbox.com/s/0dhtgcm4ezluy3u/CPM.ver?dl=1" 47 47
format 1@ "https:%c%cwww.dropbox.com/s/3d408zhcwd7jcp7/CPM.cs?dl=1" 47 47
ret 0
CLEO:{$CLEO .cs} //-------------MAIN--------------- 0AC6: 0@ = label @CPM_25091 offset alloc 1@ 224 0AA6: call_method 4606176 struct 1@ num_params 0 pop 0 0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 16 // int 0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1 0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 20 // int 0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1 0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 196 // int 0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1 0AA6: call_method 4606976 struct 1@ num_params 1 pop 0 11056172 0AC6: 0@ = label @CPM_178 offset 0A9F: 1@ = current_thread_pointer 0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 16 // int 0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1 0A8E: 2@ = 1@ + 20 // int 0A8C: write_memory 2@ size 4 value 0@ virtual_protect 1 :CPM_178 0000: NOP thread "CPM" 0662: printstring "This cleo made by DubStep_" 0662: printstring "Special for Cheat-Master.Ru" 0662: printstring "My profile cheat-master.ru/index/8-47546" wait 4000 SAMP.Available jf @CPM_114 if 8AA9: not is_game_version_original jf @CPM_237 msg "[CPM.cs]: {852d2d}обнаружена неизвестная версия gta_sa.exe! Требуемая версия: US 1.0" 65280 end_thread call @CPM_5587 1 1 0209: 0@ = random_int_in_ranges 0 10 0209: 1@ = random_int_in_ranges 0 10 if 003B: 0@ == 1@ // (int) jf @CPM_368 msg "{00ff00}[Cheat-Master.Ru]: {ffffff}Checkpoint Master by DubStep_ loaded." 65280 if 8AE4: not directory_exists "CLEO\cfg" jf @CPM_403 0AE5: create_directory "CLEO\cfg" // IF and SET if 8AAB: not file_exists "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" jf @CPM_752 setintini 800 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Wait" setfloatini -65.5 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ" setfloatini 50.0 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step" setfloatini 55.0 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step2" setstringini "cpm" "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate" setstringini "NO" "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate" setintini 1 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим" setintini 1 "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод" if 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\cpm.ini" jf @CPM_795 0B00: delete_file "CLEO\cpm.ini" // IF and SET SAMP.GetScreenResolution(27@, 26@) 26@ -= 100 27@ /= 4.0 Dialog.Create(28@, "") Dialog.AddStatic(28@, 1, "", 2, 0, 1500, 24) Dialog.AddStatic(28@, 2, "", 2, 20, 1500, 24) Dialog.SetRECT(28@, 27@, 26@, 0, 0) Dialog.Create(23@, "{808080}Settings | Script by DubStep_") SAMP.GetScreenResolution(25@, 26@) 25@ /= 2 26@ /= 2 26@ -= 200 25@ -= 150 Dialog.SetRECT(23@, 25@, 26@, 288, 300) 26@ = 10 Dialog.AddCheckBox(23@, 0, "{808080}Работа в свернутом режиме", 9, 26@, 550, 20) 26@ += 30 Dialog.AddCheckBox(23@, 1, "{808080}Не умирать от голода", 9, 26@, 550, 20) 26@ += 30 Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 2, "Интервал прыжка:", 9, 26@, 150, 20) 26@ -= 3 Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 3, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33) 26@ += 30 Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 4, "Глубина:", 9, 26@, 150, 20) 26@ -= 3 Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 5, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33) 26@ += 30 Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 6, "Длина прыжка:", 9, 26@, 150, 20) 26@ -= 3 Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 7, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33) 26@ += 30 Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 8, "Команда активации:", 9, 26@, 150, 20) 26@ -= 3 Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 9, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33) 26@ += 30 Dialog.AddStatic(23@, 10, "Чит-код деактивации:", 9, 26@, 170, 25) 26@ -= 3 Dialog.AddEditBox(23@, 11, "", 170, 26@, 60, 33) 26@ += 70 Dialog.AddButton(23@, 20, "Save", 100, 26@, 70, 30) Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 0) alloc 17@ 64 if getstringini 17@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate" jf @CPM_1539 reg_cmd 17@ @CPM_1725 jump @CPM_1551 reg_cmd "cpm" @CPM_1725 free 17@ wait 0 if not Dialog.IsVisible(23@) jf @CPM_2988 if 29@ == 1 jf @CPM_1556 20@ = 0 jump @CPM_1608 wait 0 getstringini 15@v "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate" if and 8ADC: not test_cheat 15@v Actor.Driving($0[3]) jf @CPM_4643 call @CPM_3926 0 3@ 4@ 12@ if not 3@ == 0.0 jf @CPM_4862 jump @CPM_4112 SAMP.IsCommandTyped(1@) if 0C18: 10@ = strstr string1 1@ string2 "settings" jf @CPM_2176 if not Dialog.IsVisible(23@) jf @CPM_2158 Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 1) getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим" Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(23@, 0, 17@) getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод" Dialog.SetCheckBoxChecked(23@, 1, 17@) alloc 17@ 128 memset 17@ 0 128 getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Wait" Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 3, 17@) getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ" Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 5, 17@) getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Step" Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 7, 17@) getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "Settings" "Activate" Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 9, 17@) getstringini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate" Dialog.SetControlText(23@, 11, 17@) free 17@ jump @CPM_2169 Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 0) SAMP.SetCursorMode(0) jump @CPM_2986 if Actor.Driving($0[3]) jf @CPM_2757 if not 29@ == 1 jf @CPM_2611 29@ = 1 1@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3]) Car.LockInCurrentPosition(1@) = True 099A: set_car 1@ collision_detection 0 018C: play_sound 1052 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 print "CheckPointMaster ~g~ON" 3000 Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 1, "{FFFFFF}CheckPointMaster by DubStep_ has been active") alloc 21@ 400 format 21@ "Money: %d$" 20@ Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 2, 21@) getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод" if 17@ == 1 jf @CPM_2471 SAMP.ReadSAMPMemory(19@, 82384, 2) SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(82384, 50064, 2) getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим" if 17@ == 1 jf @CPM_2604 0A8C: write_memory 7634870 size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1 0A8C: write_memory 7635034 size 1 value 1 virtual_protect 1 0AC6: 13@ = label @CPM_5579 offset memset 7623723 144 8 0AC6: 14@ = label @CPM_5573 offset memset 5499528 144 6 jump @CPM_2986 getstringini 15@v "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate" msg "{3CB371}[CheckPointMaster]: {FFFFFF}Чтобы выключить введите на клавиатуре {808080}%s" -1 15@v jump @CPM_2986 getstringini 17@v "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate" msg "{3CB371}[CheckPointMaster]: {FFFFFF}Вы должны находится за рулем транспорта" -1 msg "{3CB371}[CheckPointMaster]: {FFFFFF}Чтобы настроить скрипт введите {808080}/%s settings" -1 17@v jump @CPM_2986 SAMP.CmdRet if Dialog.IsVisible(23@) jf @CPM_3592 SAMP.SetCursorMode(3) Dialog.PopEvent(23@, 1@, 2@) if or 1@ == 1025 1@ == 257 jf @CPM_3592 if 2@ == 0 jf @CPM_3178 if Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(23@, 2@) jf @CPM_3134 setintini 1 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим" jump @CPM_3178 setintini 0 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим" if 2@ == 1 jf @CPM_3298 if Dialog.CheckBoxIsChecked(23@, 2@) jf @CPM_3260 setintini 1 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод" jump @CPM_3298 setintini 0 "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод" if 2@ == 20 jf @CPM_3592 alloc 4@ 198 memset 4@ 0 128 Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 3, 4@) setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Wait" Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 5, 4@) setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ" Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 7, 4@) setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step" Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 9, 4@) setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Activate" Dialog.GetControlText(23@, 11, 4@) setstringini 4@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "Settings" "Deactivate" free 4@ Dialog.SetVisible(23@, 0) SAMP.SetCursorMode(0) jump @CPM_1556 29@ = 0 log "> [CPM] Заработано ботом %d$" 20@ 1@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3]) 099A: set_car 1@ collision_detection 1 20@ = 0 018C: play_sound 1053 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 print "CheckPointMaster ~r~OFF" 3000 Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 1, "") Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 2, "") free 21@ getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Антиголод" if 17@ == 1 jf @CPM_3806 SAMP.WriteSAMPMemory(82384, 19@, 2) getintini 17@ "cleo\cfg\cpm.cfg" "CPM" "Свернутый режим" if 17@ == 1 jf @CPM_3919 0A8C: write_memory 7634870 size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1 0A8C: write_memory 7635034 size 1 value 0 virtual_protect 1 0C10: memcpy destination 7623723 source 13@ size 8 0C10: memcpy destination 5499528 source 14@ size 6 jump @CPM_1556 12@ = 999.0 0@ = 0 wait 0 0085: 1@ = 0@ // (int) 1@ *= 56 1@ += 13103448 1@ += 16 0A8D: 2@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 1@ += 4 0A8D: 3@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 1@ += 4 0A8D: 4@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 Actor.StorePos($0[3], 5@, 6@, 7@) 050A: 8@ = distance_between_XYZ 2@ 3@ 4@ and_XYZ 5@ 6@ 7@ 0087: 12@ = 8@ // (float) 0087: 9@ = 2@ // (float) 0087: 10@ = 3@ // (float) 0087: 11@ = 4@ // (float) ret 3 9@ 10@ 11@ wait 0 getintini 25@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Wait" getfloatini 26@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "FloatZ" getfloatini 27@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step" getfloatini 24@ "CLEO\cfg\CPM.cfg" "CPM" "Step2" call @CPM_3926 0 3@ 4@ 12@ if not 3@ == 0.0 jf @CPM_4862 12@ -= 5.5 Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@) 0509: 11@ = distance_between_XY 3@ 4@ and_XY 0@ 1@ if 8035: not 11@ >= 24@ // (float) jf @CPM_4489 Car.LockInCurrentPosition(30@) = True 12@ -= 20.0 Actor.PutAt($0[3], 3@, 4@, 12@) wait 900 12@ += 20.0 call @CPM_4736 3 3@ 4@ 12@ if 056E: car 30@ defined jf @CPM_4862 30@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3]) 20@ += 25 format 21@ "Money: %d$" 20@ Dialog.SetControlText(28@, 2, 21@) jump @CPM_4862 0063: 3@ -= 0@ // (float) 0063: 4@ -= 1@ // (float) 0604: get_Z_angle_for_point 3@ 4@ store_to 6@ Actor.Angle($0[3]) = 6@ Actor.LockInCurrentPosition($0[3]) = True if Actor.Driving($0[3]) jf @CPM_4574 30@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3]) Car.Angle(30@) = 6@ wait 0 Car.LockInCurrentPosition(30@) = True 04C4: store_coords_to 8@ 9@ 10@ from_actor $0[3] with_offset 0.0 27@ 0.0 Actor.PutAt($0[3], 8@, 9@, 26@) wait 25@ if 0ADC: test_cheat 15@v jf @CPM_4112 jump @CPM_4643 wait 0 Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@) 02CE: 2@ = ground_z_at 0@ 1@ 999.0 Actor.PutAt($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@) Actor.LockInCurrentPosition($0[3]) = False if 056E: car 30@ defined jf @CPM_3599 30@ = Actor.CurrentCar($0[3]) Car.LockInCurrentPosition(30@) = False jump @CPM_3599 3@ = SAMP.GetSAMPPlayerIDByActorHandle($0[3]) 3@ = SAMP.GetPlayerStruct(3@) 3@ += 201 alloc 4@ 63 0C10: memcpy destination 4@ source 3@ size 63 0C0D: struct 4@ offset 24 size 4 = 0@ 0C0D: struct 4@ offset 28 size 4 = 1@ 0C0D: struct 4@ offset 32 size 4 = 2@ 5@ = BitStream.New() BitStream.Write(5@, 219, BS_TYPE_BYTE, 1) BitStream.Write(5@, 4@, BS_TYPE_ARRAY, 63) RakNet.LiteSend(5@) BitStream.Delete(5@) free 4@ ret 0 wait 700 if and 8ADC: not test_cheat 15@v Actor.Driving($0[3]) jf @CPM_4643 call @CPM_5423 1 98 18@ if 0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Остановка! Ждите пассажиров" jf @CPM_1608 jump @CPM_4958 wait 0 Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@) 02CE: 2@ = ground_z_at 0@ 1@ 999.99 2@ -= 90.0 Actor.PutAt($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@) if and 8ADC: not test_cheat 15@v Actor.Driving($0[3]) jf @CPM_4643 call @CPM_5423 1 99 18@ if 0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше" jf @CPM_5102 jump @CPM_5297 call @CPM_5423 1 98 18@ if 0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше" jf @CPM_5167 jump @CPM_5297 call @CPM_5423 1 97 18@ if 0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше" jf @CPM_5232 jump @CPM_5297 call @CPM_5423 1 96 18@ if 0C18: 16@ = strstr string1 18@ string2 "Вы можете ехать дальше" jf @CPM_4958 jump @CPM_5297 Actor.StorePos($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@) 02CE: 2@ = ground_z_at 0@ 1@ 999.99 2@ -= 20.0 Actor.PutAt($0[3], 0@, 1@, 2@) 0208: 13@ = random_float_in_ranges -2.5 2.5 0208: 14@ = random_float_in_ranges -2.5 2.5 005B: 13@ += 0@ // (float) 005B: 14@ += 1@ // (float) call @CPM_4736 3 0@ 1@ 2@ jump @CPM_1608 call @CPM_5497 0 1@ 1@ += 2173548 0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 1@ += 310 0@ *= 252 005A: 1@ += 0@ // (int) 1@ += 28 ret 1 1@ 0AA2: 31@ = load_library "kernel32.dll" // IF and SET 0AA4: 30@ = get_proc_address "GetModuleHandleA" library 31@ // IF and SET 0AA7: call_function 30@ num_params 1 pop 0 "samp.dll" 0@ ret 1 0@ 840F: not Actor.SetWeaponAmmo(, 0@, 0@) hex 00 50 end :CPM_5758 hex 51 FF 15 00 end not Player.InZone(, 0@) if 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\cpm.cs" jf @CPM_7005 if 8AE4: not directory_exists "CLEO\DubStep_ upd" jf @CPM_5666 0AE5: create_directory "CLEO\DubStep_ upd" // IF and SET alloc 10@ 256 alloc 1@ 256 format 10@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" gosub @CPM_7188 call @CPM_6826 2 10@ 1@ 2@ free 10@ free 1@ 32@ = 0 wait 0 if 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" jf @CPM_5809 jump @CPM_5908 if 32@ > 30000 jf @CPM_5901 msg "{EBFFC9}Ошибка проверки обновления. Скрипт: {B9C9BF}cpm.cs" 15466441 ret 0 jump @CPM_5758 if 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" jf @CPM_6142 getfloatini 30@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm" getfloatini 31@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm" getstringini 5@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm" getstringini 6@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm" jump @CPM_6374 setfloatini 1.0 "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm" getfloatini 30@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm" getfloatini 31@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm" getstringini 5@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm" getstringini 6@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm" if 0025: 31@ > 30@ // (float) jf @CPM_6790 0B00: delete_file "CLEO\cpm.cs" // IF and SET alloc 1@ 256 alloc 2@ 256 alloc 4@ 128 format 2@ "cleo\cpm.cs" gosub @CPM_7258 call @CPM_6826 2 2@ 1@ 3@ setfloatini 31@ "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\Versions.ver" "Main" "cpm" getstringini 6@s "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" "Main" "cpm" format 4@ "cpm.cs" if 0@ == 1 jf @CPM_6705 wait 0 SAMP.IsLocalPlayerSpawned jf @CPM_6600 wait 500 alloc 10@ 256 format 10@ "{00ff00}%s {808080}version %s" 4@ 6@s 0AC6: 20@ = label @CPM_6904 offset SAMP.ShowDialog(120, 10@, 20@, "Close", "", DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX) free 10@ wait 0 0AAB: file_exists "CLEO\cpm.cs" jf @CPM_6705 run 4@ free 1@ free 2@ free 4@ 0B00: delete_file "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" // IF and SET end_thread jump @CPM_6819 0B00: delete_file "CLEO\DubStep_ upd\cpm.ver" // IF and SET jump @CPM_7327 0AA2: 10@ = load_library "Urlmon.dll" // IF and SET 0AA4: 11@ = get_proc_address "URLDownloadToFileA" library 10@ // IF and SET 0AA7: call_function 11@ num_params 5 pop 0 0 0 0@ 1@ 0 12@ ret 1 12@ hex 20 0A 20 0A 20 0A 7B 30 30 66 66 30 30 7D CE E1 ED EE E2 EB E5 ED E8 FF 3A 0A 20 0A 7B 66 66 66 66 66 66 7D 2D 20 CF F0 EE F4 E8 EA F8 E5 ED 20 EA E8 EA 20 E7 E0 20 E0 F4 EA 2E 20 C1 E0 E3 20 F1 20 EA EE EC E0 ED E4 EE E9 20 F2 EE E6 E5 20 E8 F1 EF F0 E0 E2 EB E5 ED E0 0A 20 0A 20 0A 20 0A 20 0A 20 00 F8 0A 0E 00 04 end :CPM_7188 hex FF 00 end msg "" -1 msg "" -1 msg "" -1 msg "" -1 msg "" -1 msg "" -1 msg "" -1 msg "Внимание!" -1342190848 :CPM_7258 msg "Скрипт cpm.cs был переименован вами." -1342190848 msg "Он не будет работать, пока не вернете прежнее имя." -1342190848 end_thread format 1@ "https:%c%cwww.dropbox.com/s/0dhtgcm4ezluy3u/CPM.ver?dl=1" 47 47 return format 1@ "https:%c%cwww.dropbox.com/s/3d408zhcwd7jcp7/CPM.cs?dl=1" 47 47 return ret 0