фикс черного экрана (а пауза работает)


Автор темы
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
Версия SA-MP
  1. 0.3.7 (R1)
  2. 0.3.7-R2

дорогие подписчики, помогите пожалуйста это зафиксить, одна сборка работает а эта не хочет хотя переустанавливал её по пару раз, и вообще от разных авторов.
gta_sa.set удалял, лаунчер аризоны ставил, directplay включён, хз что ещё думать

SAMPFUNCS v5.4.1-final rel.21 (SA-MP 0.3.7-R1)
Compiled: Dec 24 2018 03:13:37

Copyright (c) 2013-2018, BlastHack Team <blast.hk>

[09:24:21] Base address: 0x66450000.
[09:24:21] Initializing opcodes...
[09:24:21] Opcodes initialized successfully. Total opcodes: 382.
[09:24:21] Hook "CTimer::GetRealTimeScale" installed.
[09:24:21] Hook "CPad::Update" installed.
[09:24:21] Hook "CCamera::RenderMotionBlur" installed.
[09:24:21] Hook "CScriptThread::AddScriptToQueue" installed.
[09:24:21] Hook "CScriptThread::RemoveScriptFromQueue" installed.
[09:24:21] Hook "CScriptThread::Process" installed.
[09:24:21] Hook "WinMainLoop" installed.
[09:24:21] Hook "CLoadingScreen::RenderSplash" installed.
[09:24:21] Hook "CVehicle::CVehicle" installed.
[09:24:21] Hook "CVehicle::~CVehicle" installed.
[09:24:21] Hook "CPed::CPed" installed.
[09:24:21] Hook "CPed::~CPed" installed.
[09:24:23] samp.dll base addres: 0x03E30000
[09:24:23] Hook "SAMP: CNetGame::CNetGame" installed.
[09:24:23] Hook "SAMP: CDialog::Close" installed.
[09:24:23] Hook "SAMP: QuitGame" installed.
[09:24:23] Hook "SAMP: CCmdWindow::ProcessInput" installed.
[09:24:49] Uninitializing SAMPFUNCS...
[09:24:49] Exited.

03/06/2019 20:59:52.604 Log started.
03/06/2019 20:59:52.604 Unprotecting memory region '.text': 0x00001000 (size: 0x00456000)
03/06/2019 20:59:52.604 Unprotecting memory region '.rdata': 0x00458000 (size: 0x0004C000)
03/06/2019 20:59:52.604 Unprotecting memory region '.text': 0x008B1000 (size: 0x0064A000)
03/06/2019 20:59:52.604 Unloading plugins...
03/06/2019 20:59:52.604 Loading plugin cleo/FileSystemOperations.cleo
03/06/2019 20:59:52.605 Loading plugin cleo/IniFiles.cleo
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Loading plugin cleo/IntOperations.cleo
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Started on game of version: SA 1.0 us
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Injecting MenuStatusNotifier...
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Replacing call: 0x0057B9FD
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Injecting DmaFix...
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Replacing call: 0x0053E981
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Injecting TextManager...
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Injecting function at: 0x006A0050
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Injecting SoundSystem...
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Replacing call: 0x007487A8
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Injecting CustomOpcodeSystem...
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Injecting ScriptEngine...
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Replacing call: 0x0046A21B
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Replacing call: 0x0058D552
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Replacing call: 0x0058FCE4
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Replacing call: 0x0053BDD7
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Replacing call: 0x005BA340
03/06/2019 20:59:52.606 Replacing call: 0x005D4FD7
03/06/2019 20:59:52.607 Replacing call: 0x005D18F0
03/06/2019 20:59:52.607 Replacing call: 0x005D14D5
03/06/2019 20:59:52.607 Injecting function at: 0x004667DB
03/06/2019 20:59:52.971 Creating main window...
03/06/2019 20:59:52.975 Found sound device 0: No sound
03/06/2019 20:59:52.975 Found sound device 1 (default): Динамики (Realtek High Definition Audio)
03/06/2019 20:59:52.975 On system found 2 devices, 2 enabled devices, assuming device to use: 1 (Динамики (Realtek High Definition Audio))
03/06/2019 20:59:52.988 SoundSystem initialized
03/06/2019 20:59:52.990 Floating-point audio supported!
03/06/2019 20:59:52.991 Audio hardware acceleration disabled (no EAX)
03/06/2019 21:00:08.654 Scripts exclusively initialized
03/06/2019 21:00:08.662 Deleting dynamic fxts...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.662 Cleaning up script data... 0 files, 0 libs, 0 file scans, 0 allocations...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.663 Searching for cleo scripts
03/06/2019 21:00:08.663 Loading custom script binthesky_by_DK.cs...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.677 Registering custom script named binthes
03/06/2019 21:00:08.677 Loading custom script Credit.cs...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.683 Registering custom script named Credit.
03/06/2019 21:00:08.683 Loading custom script HideChat.cs...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.698 Registering custom script named HideCha
03/06/2019 21:00:08.698 Loading custom script limit_lods.cs...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.710 Registering custom script named limit_l
03/06/2019 21:00:08.710 Loading custom script memory_full.cs...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.719 Registering custom script named memory_
03/06/2019 21:00:08.719 Loading custom script rec.cs...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.728 Registering custom script named rec.cs
03/06/2019 21:00:08.728 Loading custom script SensitivityFix.cs...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.739 Registering custom script named Sensiti
03/06/2019 21:00:08.739 Loading custom script set-weather-and-time.cs...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.748 Registering custom script named set-wea
03/06/2019 21:00:08.748 Loading custom script ..\modloader\cleo scripts and anim\anim (junior_djjr).cs...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.760 Registering custom script named anim (j
03/06/2019 21:00:08.761 Loading custom script ..\modloader\cleo scripts and anim\anim buzina (junior_djjr).cs...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.766 Registering custom script named anim bu
03/06/2019 21:00:08.766 Loading custom script ..\modloader\cleo scripts and anim\anim mudar marcha (junior_djjr).cs...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.776 Registering custom script named anim mu
03/06/2019 21:00:08.776 Loading custom script ..\modloader\cleo scripts and anim\handbrake mod (junior_djjr).cs...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.789 Registering custom script named handbra
03/06/2019 21:00:08.790 Loading custom script ..\modloader\cleo scripts and anim\shot cam shake (junior_djjr.cs...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.791 Registering custom script named shot ca
03/06/2019 21:00:08.791 Loading custom script ..\modloader\cleo scripts and anim\todos os motoristas trocando marcha.cs...
03/06/2019 21:00:08.802 Registering custom script named todos o
03/06/2019 21:00:09.245 Unregistering custom script named limit_l
03/06/2019 21:00:09.390 Unregistering custom script named binthes
03/06/2019 21:00:10.838 Unregistering custom script named memory_
03/06/2019 21:05:32.524 Closing SoundSystem...
03/06/2019 21:05:32.524 Freeing BASS library
03/06/2019 21:05:32.524 SoundSystem closed!
03/06/2019 21:05:32.524 Deleting fxts...
03/06/2019 21:05:32.524 Unloading scripts...
03/06/2019 21:05:32.524 Unregistering custom script named Credit.

[09:24:21.529116] (system) Session started.
[09:24:21.529116] (debug) Module handle: 669F0000

MoonLoader v.026.5-beta loaded.
Developers: FYP, hnnssy, EvgeN 1137

Copyright (c) 2016, BlastHack Team

[09:24:21.529116] (info) Working directory: D:\samp 228 zxc\GTA San Andreas\moonloader
[09:24:21.529116] (debug) FP Control: 0009001F
[09:24:21.529116] (debug) Game: GTA SA US
[09:24:21.529116] (system) Installing pre-game hooks...
[09:24:21.531070] (system) Hooks installed.
[09:24:22.987106] (debug) Initializing opcode handler table
[09:24:22.987106] (debug) package.path = D:\samp 228 zxc\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.lua;D:\samp 228 zxc\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.lua;D:\samp 228 zxc\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.lua;D:\samp 228 zxc\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.lua;.\?.lua;D:\samp 228 zxc\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.luac;D:\samp 228 zxc\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?\init.luac;D:\samp 228 zxc\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?.luac;D:\samp 228 zxc\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\?\init.luac;.\?.luac
[09:24:22.988107] (debug) package.cpath = D:\samp 228 zxc\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\lib\?.dll;
[09:24:22.991544] (system) Loading script 'D:\samp 228 zxc\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\ctime.lua'...
[09:24:22.991544] (debug) New script: 0D6C8564
[09:24:23.005064] (system) ctime: Loaded successfully.
[09:24:23.005064] (system) Loading script 'D:\samp 228 zxc\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\fogdist.lua'...
[09:24:23.005064] (debug) New script: 12F73064
[09:24:23.006064] (system) fogdist.lua: Loaded successfully.
[09:24:23.006064] (system) Loading script 'D:\samp 228 zxc\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\keyboard.lua'...
[09:24:23.006064] (debug) New script: 12F731EC
[09:24:23.012523] (system) KeyBoard: Loaded successfully.
[09:24:23.012523] (system) Loading script 'D:\samp 228 zxc\GTA San Andreas\moonloader\treningcaptchi.lua'...
[09:24:23.012523] (debug) New script: 12F73374
[09:24:23.022053] (system) TreningCaptchi: Loaded successfully.
[09:24:26.226319] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[09:24:26.226319] (system) Hooks installed.
[09:24:49.899099] (system) Unloading...
[09:24:49.899099] (system) ctime: Script terminated. (0D6C8564)
[09:24:49.900099] (system) fogdist.lua: Script terminated. (12F73064)
[09:24:49.901099] (system) KeyBoard: Script terminated. (12F731EC)
[09:24:49.903099] (system) TreningCaptchi: Script terminated. (12F73374)
[09:24:49.921671] (system) Session terminated.

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