Lua garagemod


Автор темы
Версия SA-MP
  1. Любая
garagemod.lua - change behavior of in game garages

In GTA San Andreas there are 50 garage objects. Some of them are Pay N Spray, mod garages or property garages. There are few which are used in missions, and are permanently locked outside mission and in SAMP. Car impounds also count as garage.

This script in its main function activated with //garages will do 3 things:
- change Camera Follow Player flag in all garages to true, which will get rid of annoying camera effect and will let you look around garages
- overwrite Garage Type integer of garages which are used in missions (target vehicle and script controlled) to safehouse type - should unlock most of them for both on-foot and vehicle
- add dynamic markers to the map appearing on proximity with a marker type tied to current garage type
- if that command is used subsequently, it will enable/disable radar markers

NOTE: I do not know how this script behaves in singleplayer and it might damage savefile.

Contains second command //garage for manual operation. Type parameters separated with spaces like so "//garage type 5"
available parameters:
//garage ...:
open - open nearest garage
close - close nearest
type [id] - show nearest garage type or set it if used with a number
id - show nearest garage id
go (id) - teleport to the garage
pointer - copy to clipboard pointer to the class of nearest garage (dev/debug)

RU short description (Google Translate):
Этот скрипт разблокирует гаражи миссий и изменит вид камеры, чтобы следовать за игроком. Он показывает положение гаража на карте и имеет несколько функций для ручного управления воротами и функциями гаража.

Who is this script for?
- explorers
- roleplayers
- movie makers
- memory tinkerers

Demo video:

Similar scripts:
There has been camera change script posted recently in CLEO, which appears to be using same technique. Haven't found any in game garage managers.



  • garagemod.lua
    5.7 KB · Просмотры: 39


не работает твой скрипт, хотя в логе он загружается