Hello, i have turf timer cleo, but i need someone to remove the nick system from it, and also i think its not decompiled good because it has hex in the end of the code. The nick system is like if you dont use the nick written in the cleo file in samp the script will not load.
Sorry that i send it as timer.txt ,it needs to be timer.cs
And the auto.ini.txt needs to be just auto.ini
EDIT: I give the .cs but its hex
@D3.Pheonix im sure you can 100% help me, because you have already done this to other guy that also wanted you to remove nick system
Sorry that i send it as timer.txt ,it needs to be timer.cs
And the auto.ini.txt needs to be just auto.ini
EDIT: I give the .cs but its hex
@D3.Pheonix im sure you can 100% help me, because you have already done this to other guy that also wanted you to remove nick system
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