- 85
- 12
[ULTIMATE GENRL] Loaded succefully.
Warning(s007): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x52A4213E
[ULTIMATE GENRL] Script is dead.
что делать то?
Warning(s007): Exception 0xC0000005 at 0x52A4213E
[ULTIMATE GENRL] Script is dead.
C:\Games\gta\moonloader\template.luac: in function <C:\Games\gta\moonloader\template.luac:0>
[08:40:42.389860] (error) template.luac: Script died due to an error. (0C0B8D94)
[08:40:42.390100] (system) Loading script 'C:\Games\gta\moonloader\ugenrl.lua'...
[08:40:42.390100] (debug) New script: 0C0B953C
[08:40:42.409656] (system) ugenrl.lua: Loaded successfully.
[08:40:42.410513] (system) dels.lua: Script terminated. (0C0E35E4)
[08:41:04.588714] (system) Installing post-load hooks...
[08:41:04.589749] (system) Hooks installed.
[08:41:24.303626] (script) hphud.lua: true
[08:41:24.462514] (script) hphud.lua: true
[08:41:25.540872] (script) hphud.lua: false
[08:41:26.289320] (script) hphud.lua: false
[08:41:26.289320] (script) hphud.lua: true
[08:41:26.400972] (script) hphud.lua: true
[08:41:27.174207] (script) hphud.lua: false
[08:41:29.080014] (script) hphud.lua: false
[08:41:30.857831] (error) ugenrl.lua: cannot resume non-suspended coroutine
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'setPlay3dAudioStreamAtChar'
C:\Games\gta\moonloader\ugenrl.lua:298: in function 'playSound'
C:\Games\gta\moonloader\ugenrl.lua:272: in function <C:\Games\gta\moonloader\ugenrl.lua:243>
[08:41:30.858825] (error) ugenrl.lua: Script died due to an error. (0C0B953C)
что делать то?
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