Bypass the Anti-S0beit Script!
GPCI Unbanner
Weapon Cheat Is Now Undetected!
For the hidden and secret functions within the s0beit type in chat the command "/.cmds"!
Special Thanks to NIEX, Krakazabra and ]]=Yakir=[[!

Functions List:
-=> [ Player Modz ] <=-
[-] Fuck Slapper [ NoT AFK NoT Vehicle ]
[-] Fuck Slapper
[-] Pizdarvanka
[-] Invisible [ Spec ]
[-] Invisible [ Underground ]
[-] BulletBugger
[-] Speed Hack
[-] Upside Down
[-] Rand Quats
[-] Fast Respawn
-=> [ Weapons ] <=-
[-] ShoT Repeater [ /.ShotRepeater <Amount [ 0 = OFF ] > ]
[-] No Spread
[-] Shoot Through Walls
[-] Auto C-Bug
[-] Auto 2-2
-=> [ AimBoT ] <=-
[-] AimBoT
[-] Check Walls [ AimBoT, Pick Car, ETC ]
[-] Check View Visibility [ AimBoT, Pick Car, ETC ]
[-] Check Team [ By Team ]
[-] Check Team [ By Color ]
[-] Check Team [ By Skin ]
[-] Calc Players Ping [ Lag-Comp OFF ]
-=> [ PickUp ] <=-
[-] PickUp Money
-=> [ RanDoM ] <=-
[-] Map Teleporting
[-] Fake Kill
-=> [ Crashers ] <=-
[-] Anti Bullet Crasher
[-] Anti Vehicles Crasher
[-] Bullet Crasher [ if client not R2 ]
[-] Vehicles Crasher
-=> [ Car Modz ] <=-
[-] Explode Cars
[-] GodMode Cars
[-] Remove Cars
[-] Hop Cars
[-] Respawn Cars
[-] Black Cars
[-] Ful Car
[-] Car Shooter
[-] Car Shooter Once
[-] Cars Follows
[-] Cars Follows 2
[-] Cars Floating
[-] Cars Floating 2
[-] Cars Crasher
[-] Cars Lag [ /.Pos <X,Y,Z [ -1 = Current Position ] > ]
-=> [ Modz By Player ID ] <=-
[-] OnFoot Slapper By ID [ /.Slp <ID> ]
[-] In-Car Slapper By ID [ /.Slpv <ID> ]
[-] Car Player Teleporter - Beta [ /.Tel <ID> ]
-=> [ Nearest Target ] <=-
[-] OnFoot Slapper
[-] In-Car Slapper
-=> [ Spammerz ] <=-
[-] Spammer
[-] MatriX Spammer


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