- 80
- 1
✔️Supported version of the game: Steam
✔️Supported game mode: Fullscreen or windowed
✔️Supported CPU: All
✔️Supported invisibility on video or screenshots: Yes
⚔️Supported anticheat
✔️ VAC
FaceIT, ESEA: not supported
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Buy = LoLiCheats
Month 7.00 €
Join Our Discord = https://discord.com/invite/utpNvSG32k
Telegram = https://t.me/LoLiCheats
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✔️Supported version of the game: Steam
✔️Supported game mode: Fullscreen or windowed
✔️Supported CPU: All
✔️Supported invisibility on video or screenshots: Yes
⚔️Supported anticheat
✔️ VAC
FaceIT, ESEA: not supported
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- Name / Display the player's nickname
- Line / Draw lines to players
- Direction / Show where opponents) watch
- Bone / skeleton Show on players
- Hide Names / Hide nicknames of players
- Hitbox / Display hitboxes players may lose FPS
- Aimpoint / Display point on the enemy which will be aiming
- Warning / Warning about the looks / whether the enemy is aiming at you
- Glow / activates the backlight effect, possible loss of FPS
- Dormant / displays the latest location of the players when information about them is no longer transmitted to the server
- Weapon / Select the type of display of weapons
- Health / Select the type of health bars
- Chams / Select the type of Chams
- Box / Select the type of 2D squares
- Crosshar / Display Sight
- Spread / variation Display
- Grenade Helper / Display line on which the flight Grenade
- Lag Indicator / feyklagov level indicator (the number of commands that go to 1 data packet) is active only when the reydzhbote or when included legit antiaimah
- Thirdperson On Death / After the death of the camera will be active from 3 persons
- Fake Model / will show hitbox feykovye model only works when the ragebot
- FOV / Adjust camera distance
- Thirdperson / Change camera mode from 1 to 3 and back face
- YawIndicator / displays an arrow indicating the direction of antiaimov
- Aim FOV / Display FOV aimbot
- Visible Only / Display visual players only
- Firendly / ESP Show on allies
- Local / ESP Show on itself
- Damage / loss Display
- Hitmarker / When you hit an enemy in place of the sight will display in the form of a cross
- Gray World / Makes the entire map in gray (black and white)
- No Flash / Disabling glare effect
- No Smoke / Smoke Makes clear
- Transparent Props / translucent texture are superimposed over the map (for example on the gate Dust 2)
- Colored Props / Same as above, only now they are also colored
- Colored World / color changing environment, it is necessary to set the color in the Colors tab
- Item / Display items
- Chams / Show Chams on objects, you may lose FPS
- Tracers / Show where flying bullets
- Spectator / Display those who look up to you
- Rank / Display players rank
- Radar / Display 2D radar
- Bomb Timer / Display time to bomb
- Backtrack Chams / Display the player model for bektreka
- Sound / Display circles on the audio source
- ESP Distance / Maximum distance drawing for battleroyale mode
- Max Distance / Maximum distance for sound esp
- Arrows / displays an arrow pointing in the direction of the enemy
- Radius / Change display radius arrows
- Hands / Sets the type of gloves
- Glove Skin / Skin Glove Sets
- Knife / blade model Changes
- ID / Sets ID weapon skins
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- Global Settings / Settings will be applied to all weapons at once, but still separately for primary and secondary
- Auto Fire / Enable auto shot
- Aim Mode / Set button trigger aimbot, if not pressed for 2 seconds, then put up car
- FOV / 2D distance at which will trigger aimbot
- Smooth / aimbot Speed
- Autowall / Inclusion scan through walls aimbot
- Silent / invisible aiming aimbot
- Safe Aim / less precise, but more secure version of aimbot
- Sticky / aimbot taking into account the speed, sticks to the enemy on the move
- Smoke Check / aimbot will not work if the opponent or the smoke in it
- RCS / Enable suppression recoil
- RCS Type / Typerebound
- FOV / Select the type of FOV
- Aimtype / Select the type of aimbot
- Priority / (1 hit box to be scanned aimbot)
- Switches from head to legs (0 selected HitBox not scanned, 1 include the selected HitBox in scanning, 2 includes multiple points of the HitBox in the scan)
- Switches from head to legs (0 selected hitbox not clean, 1 hitbox include selected in scan 2 comprises several points with a scanning hitbox)
- Backtrack / When the car shot will work bektrek, ie if the enemy came for a potential barrier, and it is no longer visible, we can still get on it for 0.2 seconds
- Ignore Jump / aimbot ignores players jumping
- Not Aim While Flashed / aimbot does not work when we are blinded
- Trigger Mode / Set button operation triggrebota if not pressed for 2 seconds it will put cars
- Trigger Delay / delay before firing at trigerbota
- Hitchance / hitshansa type slider adjusts the "precision / accuracy", the higher the value the more accurate but slower will shoot
- Min damage / aimbot will only work if the damage done to the enemy more than the specified
- Fire Rate / Rate of Fire
- Fire Delay / Delay before the shot
- Aim Time / aimbot work time from the moment a key is pressed
- Aim Distance / aimbot does not work if the distance is greater than the slider (for battleroyale mode)
- Global Settings / Settings will be applied to all weapons at once, but still separately for primary and secondary
- Active / Activation reydzhbota
- Aim Mode / Set button trigger aimbot, if not pressed for 2 seconds, then put up car
- FOV / maximum angle at which the aimbot will still work function for dethmatch mode in which kicked from server for more than 30 FOV
- Aim Step / Instead of a limited FOV, leveling will be delayed
- Priority / (1 hit box to be scanned aimbot)
- Switches from head to legs (0 selected HitBox not scanned, 1 include the selected HitBox in scanning, 2 includes multiple points of the HitBox in the scan)
- Switches from head to legs (0 selected hitbox not clean, 1 hitbox include selected in scan 2 comprises several points with a scanning hitbox)
- Resolver / Twists enemy model that uses antiaimy, until will not fall on it
- Backtrack / When the car shot will work bektrek, ie if the enemy came for a potential barrier, and it is no longer visible, we can still get on it for 0.2 seconds
- Fake Lag On Shot / Fake lag when shooting
- bAim Low Health / aimbot will shoot into the body, if the enemy low on health
- bAim After Miss / aimbot will shoot into the body after N blunders
- Auto Scope / Auto approximation, camera zoom and without
- Movement / Auto stop and auto squat
- Hitchance / hitshansa type slider adjusts the "precision / accuracy", the higher the value the more accurate but slower will shoot
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- Anti Untrusted / Works automatically even if disabled, it normalizes the corners if you are on a secure server VAC
- Legit AA / Antiaimy for legitbota (on our head will be difficult to get there)
- Movement / Avtoraspryzhka and avtostreyfy
- Hit Sound / Inclusion in contact sound playback
- Knifebot / Auto opener
- Clantag / Enable tag count table clan
- Chat / Writes to chat with Fraga
- Name / Allows you to change nickname
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[ANTIAIMS] - Pitch / Antia on X axis
- Yaw / Antia on Y axis
- Type / direction from which will work Antia
- Fakelag / feyklaga Type
- Stand, Move, Inair / feyklaga factor for 3 states (standing, running, jumping)
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[BINDS] - Fakeduck Key / Button for Fakeduck
- bAim Switch Key / Button for bAim
- Slowwalk Key / Button for Slowwalk Key
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[SLOWWALK] - Slowwalk / Antiaimy walking
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[PLAYERS] - Factor / Factor feyklaga walking
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[CONFIG] - Load / load the selected config
- Save / Save current config
- add / Create a new config
- Remove / Delete the selected config
- The list of players / players list
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Buy = LoLiCheats
Month 7.00 €
Join Our Discord = https://discord.com/invite/utpNvSG32k
Telegram = https://t.me/LoLiCheats
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