Hey. I'm trying to upload some text to pastebin using Moonloader. The thing is no matter what I do, pastebin returns: text = "Bad API request, invalid api_dev_key.
I was trying to achieve the same thing by using a terminal and curl. It works just fine there, so the key I'm using is correct.
The code I'm trying to run:
Pastebin also requires api_option and api_paste_code but without them it should give me a different message anyway.
It doesn't matter if I add those 2 arguments to the POST request, because it doesn't change the response.
I know there are lua libraries such as lua-curl, but I have no idea how to compile them for Windows and I think luarocks doesn't offer a way to compile .dll on linux. I've tried to force it but silly me, because it didn't work (duh).
I was trying to achieve the same thing by using a terminal and curl. It works just fine there, so the key I'm using is correct.
The code I'm trying to run:
local copas = require 'copas'
local http = require 'copas.http'
local requests = require 'requests'
requests.http_socket, requests.https_socket = http, http
local inspect = require 'inspect'
function httpRequest(method, request, args, handler)
if not copas.running then
copas.running = true
while not copas.finished() do
local ok, err = copas.step(0)
if ok == nil then error(err) end
copas.running = false
if handler then
return copas.addthread(function(m, r, a, h)
copas.setErrorHandler(function(err) h(nil, err) end)
h(requests.request(m, r, a))
end, method, request, args, handler)
local results
local thread = copas.addthread(function(m, r, a)
copas.setErrorHandler(function(err) results = {nil, err} end)
results = table.pack(requests.request(m, r, a))
end, method, request, args)
while coroutine.status(thread) ~= 'dead' do wait(0) end
return table.unpack(results)
key = 'mykey'
local response, err = httpRequest('POST', { url = 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php', data={api_dev_key = key}})
if err then error(err) end
local json_data = response.json()
It doesn't matter if I add those 2 arguments to the POST request, because it doesn't change the response.
I know there are lua libraries such as lua-curl, but I have no idea how to compile them for Windows and I think luarocks doesn't offer a way to compile .dll on linux. I've tried to force it but silly me, because it didn't work (duh).