Недавнее содержимое от Naito

  1. Naito

    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    How to make my ped shoot with the gun in hand automatically
  2. Naito

    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    Does anyone help me? On line 54 to 68 the code is all well structured, there is no error log but it rarely responds to the buttons, I press the button called "Heridas" it is supposed to call the function mostrarHeridas() function but it doesn't work, the same thing happens with the 2 buttons...
  3. Naito

    Декомпиляция скриптов

    dec pls 1738973801 pls
  4. Naito

    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    How to simulate adding a tuning component to my vehicle? by component id, for example the nitro. 1738972138 How to get PacketLoss from a player? by id
  5. Naito

    Декомпиляция скриптов

    dec pls
  6. Naito

    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    How to get players on my stream?
  7. Naito

    Декомпиляция скриптов

  8. Naito

    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    I have a problem, I want the damage they cause me to have a text appear next to my character-ped showing to the left me the damage they have caused me, the script loads without problem but it doesn't work, can someone help me? Please script_name('Damage Informer') script_author('Naito')...
  9. Naito

    Lua HUD mim NameTags

    I already realized, it's the server, thank you very much
  10. Naito

    Lua HUD mim NameTags

    0.3.7 R-1
  11. Naito

    Lua HUD mim NameTags

    Why isn't the game's original nametag hidden? why does this happen
  12. Naito

    Декомпиляция скриптов

  13. Naito

    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    How to play an animation when sending a message to the chat? EXAMPLE: if "Congratulations" appears in the chat, you must play some celebration animation. Как воспроизвести анимацию при отправке сообщения в чат? ПРИМЕР: если в чате появилось «Поздравляем», необходимо воспроизвести анимацию...
  14. Naito

    Lua Прочее DRPC: Discord Rich Presence Changer - ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ

    Why when I use {weaponid} or {weapon} the script fails, crashes?
  15. Naito

    Вопросы по Lua скриптингу

    How to mark a Point - checkpoint when an object or skin is found?