Недавнее содержимое от Wilhelm Groener

  1. Wilhelm Groener

    Другое С/С++ Вопрос - Ответ

    The number 0x000008C2 in little-endian, represented as a string with a sequence of bytes. In memory, the little-endian number is arranged in reverse byte order. So it turns out that the number 00 00 08 C2 in memory has a sequence C2 08 00 00, which is represented as a string as "\xC2\x08\x00\x00"
  2. Wilhelm Groener

    Другое С/С++ Вопрос - Ответ

    The most obvious mistake in your code is that you are trying to add int to the pointer returned by the GetModuleHandleA function. In this case, pointer arithmetic works. The pointer is shifted by 0x9C0A0*sizeof(the type the pointer points to, in this case it is HINSTANCE__ whose size is equal to...
  3. Wilhelm Groener

    Другое С/С++ Вопрос - Ответ

    Using ImGui to draw 3D objects is not rational. Explore Direct3D. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3d9/d3dxcreatesphere 1672737801 https://github.com/imring/RakHook 1672737956...