Недавнее содержимое от yPower

  1. Y

    [Lua]Script Help

    What is wrong with this code? script_name("autocommandafterdeath") script_author("yPower") script_dependencies('SAMPFUNCS ^5.3') --carrega as constantes MoonLoader, este arquivo contém os códigos de chave require "lib.moonloader" require "lib.sampfuncs" function main() if not...
  2. Y

    [Lua]Script Help

    I wrote this code in more or less 6 hours or less of study of wiki but I not find the function to the comment that are in the code, so I ask for help in discord but I see that 'em don't help in discord , are fixed comment there, so I decided to post here to some help. script_name...
  3. Y

    Good work man, maybe you could make tutorials in english about cleo and others.

    Good work man, maybe you could make tutorials in english about cleo and others.
  4. Y

    SF Plugin SWarnings

  5. Y

    SF Plugin Warnings v2.3.1 | варнинги на читы от создателей RP-SkyLand

    Source Code or English translate language?
  6. Y

    Lua Arizona RP | Уведомления в Telegram

  7. Y

    Lua Arizona RP | Уведомления в Telegram

    You could add an English Version.