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  1. _=Gigant=_

    s0beit BlackLight v2.0

    Blacklight m0d s0beit v2 ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Contains more functions than any other sobeit ever released, using modern user interface to give users easier control over mod and functions, clean and simple. Due to more than a 1800...
  2. _=Gigant=_

    Исходник Софт Private RakSAMP (unfinished project)

    im not using lua 😴😴
  3. _=Gigant=_

    C# Исходник Софт Youtube Extractor

    it was youtubeExplode package in first version it was restricted in Russia so i removed it and changed to ffmpeg and ytdl to fix that
  4. _=Gigant=_

    C# Исходник Софт Youtube Extractor

    no poping ads here
  5. _=Gigant=_

    C# Исходник Софт Youtube Extractor

    @Willy4ka fixed restrictions @Cremi removed package its now based on ffmpeg
  6. _=Gigant=_

    C# Исходник Софт Youtube Extractor

  7. _=Gigant=_

    C# Исходник Софт Youtube Extractor

    you need to keep .exe file in folder bin and just create shortcut to desktop
  8. _=Gigant=_

    C# Исходник Софт Youtube Extractor

    console type program which you can use to manipulate with youtube videos if for some reason you get message "Video {ID} not available" just paste link again and press enter Update 2 https://www.mediafire.com/file/hvcmrv6zbpdvlvo/V2_.rar/file no restrictions for russia in update 2 also works...
  9. _=Gigant=_

    Исходник Софт Private RakSAMP (unfinished project)

    Due to some private stuff im unable to finish this project for now i may continue development in some future maybe next year or so... For now i decided to share project code if you wanna play around and experiment netrpc.cpp contains some unfinished bot commands based on owner chat which may...
  10. _=Gigant=_

    Информация Полезные функции

    void WriteNamesToFile(const std::string& filename, const std::set<std::string>& names) { std::ofstream outfile(filename); for (const auto& name : names) { if (!name.empty()) { outfile << name << std::endl; } } } void AddNameToFile(const std::string&...
  11. _=Gigant=_

    OPEN:MP Launcher v1

    New version available updated from v.0.0.1 to v1.0.0
  12. _=Gigant=_

    Исходник ImGui + RakSAMP [Source Code] C++

    example Implementing ImGui in raksamp you can now modify raksamp client UI as you wish second image is the example Also if you know C++ you can find some examples for scripting in window.cpp Compiled version is stored in client -> bin Download source code...
  13. _=Gigant=_

    OPEN:MP Launcher v1

    read from developer https://github.com/openmultiplayer/launcher#usage also just put it on the desktop and run it with admin rights when you try to join some server , launcher will automatically ask you to select your game directory nickname etc.. if you're missing WebView2 you can check it...
  14. _=Gigant=_

    OPEN:MP Launcher v1

    official site: https://sa-mp.mp/ more stuff : https://github.com/openmultiplayer/launcher/releases/tag/v0.0.1 credits & source -> https://github.com/openmultiplayer/launcher Download: https://github.com/openmultiplayer/launcher/releases/download/v1.0.0/omp-launcher.exe
  15. _=Gigant=_

    GTA 6 Announced

    Just some info if you haven't heard yet Rockstar games announced on their twitter page that they will release first trailer for the next Grand Theft Auto series Trailer release is expected to be early December this year