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  1. A

    [mimgui] FontAwesome 6.0.0 Pro Thin, Light, Regular, Solid, Duotone by Police Helper » Reborn

    This is not working for me. Это не работает для меня. https://pastebin.com/Xmb3t3qW
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    Проверено Исполнитель [Web Development] Разработка веб-сайтов, чат-ботов и парсеров.

    made me a PHP to MySQL script, amazing work, will be contacting for more work
  3. A

    Lua Custom Crosshair | Update (2.1): Outline, Dot

    That interface looks great
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    [FixWIDTH] Cleo Перевод

    Просто вылетает function main() if not isSampfuncsLoaded() then return end if not isSampLoaded() then return end wait(1000) local memory = 0xBF + 0x00002042 memory = memory + 0x57 memory = memory + 0xD8 + 0x0C + 0x24 memory = memory + 0x5F memory =...
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    serverside textdraw

    Is it possible to catch a textdraw before it renders? I currently have this issue where the serverside textdraw flashes. I did manage to speed it up a bit.
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    Прочее Animated Fist (попытка номер два)

    actually it only works when you set it to 16:9 not ig widescreen