Textdraw Bypass


Автор темы
Версия SA-MP
  1. 0.3.7 (R1)
i was looking into an RP server here, where you need to click on a rock when you finish a job.
It is just a textdraw with 4 options, if you choose the wrong one, you loose everything
so i tryed using https://blast.hk/threads/17711/ to see what was happening
And for my surprise, the server sounds to have an anti-bot measure

896 is the searock06 ID, but even on the blank boxes it show the same id. if i simple send a click on 896 it will obviously choose a random one. What can i do in this case?
And looks like i found the source of the server, but even couldnt do anything with it (yes i tryed using 897)
CreateDynamic3DTextLabel ("{FFFFFF} Os mineradores aqui podem {DBED15} / deixar rocha", 0xEB0000FF, -548.2949,2336.7649,83.4777, 2.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 1, -1, -1, -1, 100.0

ShowModelSelectionMenuEx2 (playerid, rocas, 4, "Selecciona la roca", OBJETIVOROCA, 16.0, 0.0, -55.0, 1.0, 0x000000FF, 0x000000FF);

if (extraid == OBJETIVOROCA)
        if (response)
            switch (modelid)
                case 897: // ROCA
                    new string [128], Query [200], ganancias;
                    switch (PlayerInfo [playerid] [pNivelMinero])
                        case 1:
                            new intento = random (3);
                            switch (intento)
                                case 0: {ganancias = 148; }
                                case 1: {ganancias = 150; }
                                case 2: {ganancias = 146; }
                        case 2:
                            new intento = random (3);
                            switch (intento)
                                case 0: {ganancias = 200; }
                                case 1: {ganancias = 210; }
                                case 2: {ganancias = 207; }
                        case 3..100:
                            new intento = random (3);
                            switch (intento)
                                case 0: {ganancias = 240; }
                                case 1: {ganancias = 255; }
                                case 2: {ganancias = 247; }
                    format (string, sizeof (string), "% s tira una roca a la procesadora.", NombreJugador (playerid));
                    new exp = random (3);
                    switch (exp)
                        case 0: {SCM (playerid, -1, "Esta vez no ganaste habilidad."); }
                        case 1: {SCM (playerid, -1, "Esta vez no ganaste habilidad."); }
                        case 2:
                            if (PlayerInfo [playerid] [pExpPescador] <49)
                                SCM (playerid, 0x0080C2FF, "Has aumentado tu experiencia con +1 punto de habilidad");
                                PlayerInfo [playerid] [pExpMinero] ++;
                                format (Query, 200, "UPDATE` usuarios` SET `ExpMinero` = '% d' WHERE` Username` = '% s' ", PlayerInfo [playerid] [pExpMinero], NombreJugador (playerid));
                                mysql_function_query (Conecction, Query, true, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", 0, playerid);
                            else if (PlayerInfo [playerid] [pExpPescador]> = 49)
                                SCM (playerid, -1, "Felicidades, has aumentado tu nivel en este trabajo");
                                PlayerInfo [playerid] [pExpMinero] = 0;
                                PlayerInfo [playerid] [pNivelMinero] ++;
                                format (Query, 200, "UPDATE` usuarios` SET `ExpMinero` = '% d',` NivelMinero` = '% d' WHERE `Username` = '% s'", PlayerInfo [playerid] [pExpMinero], PlayerInfo [ playerid] [pNivelMinero], NombreJugador (playerid));
                                mysql_function_query (Conecction, Query, true, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", 0, playerid);
                    format (string, sizeof (string), "¡Buen trabajo !, tus ganancias son {00CC00} $% d", ganancias);
                    DarDinero (playerid, ganancias);
                    SCM (playerid, -1, string);
                    SetPlayerSpecialAction (playerid, SPECIAL_ACTION_NONE);
                    RemovePlayerAttachedObject (playerid, 2);
                    rocajugador [playerid] = 11392;
    return 1;

[/ code]
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Реакции: Turv