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    Вопросы по CLEO-скриптингу

  2. T

    Вопросы по CLEO-скриптингу

    No thats not what i mean but its good to thx :) I mean this Left to right turn : On my 2. gSA i have many mods and low FPS and this combined with the Framelimiter in my s0b makes me soooo slow...
  3. T

    Вопросы по CLEO-скриптингу

    Hey i need something whit i can move faster while Aiming... I mean the moment when you walk right (D) and then turn to left (A)... I need to speed up this moment. I already tried it with : 0AB1: @WEAPON_DAT 4 -> Change Weapon 24 DAT 0x3C VALUE_TO 2.5 SIZE_OF_DAT 4 But this only speed's up the...
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    Неактуально RakNet Logger and Checker Players

    Hey can you pls make a English version :)
  5. T

    Вопросы по CLEO-скриптингу

    Thanks alot man now it work's :D I think my sleep deprivation has made me stupid xD
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    Вопросы по CLEO-скриптингу

    Ohh sry my bad ^^ {$CLEO .cs} 0000: 0@ = FALSE WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: TYPING "M" THEN IF 0@ == FALSE THEN 0@ = TRUE 018C: play_sound 1083 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 ELSE 0@ = FALSE 018C: play_sound...
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    Вопросы по CLEO-скриптингу

    God damn im so stupid xD okay i Changed the Var's for Player Handle to a unused Var but its still crashing
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    Вопросы по CLEO-скриптингу

    Emmm i hope you understand what i mean ^^ My ENG is shit xD Okay here i have my working Test script where i started to get the Pos. and everything else... Picture: http://puu.sh/c74OC/79d2b9ed83.png {$CLEO .cs} 0000: 0@ = FALSE WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: TYPING "M" THEN...
  9. T

    Вопросы по CLEO-скриптингу

    The Problem is not the Reload. I removed it. The problem is somewhere in the loop... To get all Pos. i used : @GET_BONE_POS 2 FROM_ACTOR $PLAYER_ACTOR and 4@ = Actor.Angle($PLAYER_ACTOR) but after i changed this to 1@ it Crash
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    Вопросы по CLEO-скриптингу

    Hey i made this to make a 3D-Box around Players Head but somehow it Crash if i press "m" With "$PLAYER_ACTOR" it works but then i changed it to "1@" to make it for other players... {$CLEO .cs} 0000: 0@ = FALSE WHILE TRUE WAIT 0 IF 0ADC: TYPING "M" THEN IF...
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    Вопросы по CLEO-скриптингу

    0C5C: samp textdraw 5 get_letter_size 1@ 2@ color 3@ 0AF8: samp add_message_to_chat "%d %d %d" color 0xFFFFFFFF 1@ 2@ 3@ Why this wont work? It returns: [05:14:15] 1061158895 1074161254 -1
  12. T

    Неактуально RakNet Logger and Checker Players

    Hey if someone conects to a Server i get a crash and [02:58:27.741] Exception occurred at: 0x6861D9CB ( SAMPFUNCS.asi+0x1D9CB ) [02:58:27.741] Cause: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION [02:58:27.741] Last function processed: end of proxyIDirect3DDevice9::BeginScene() [02:58:27.781] Exception occurred...
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    Вопросы по CLEO-скриптингу

    Yeah i know thats how i made it ^^ But im looking for gcode's way: in gProject if you click the Button and hold the LMB the button only get's klicked once... With the way i use if i holt LMB the Button get's klicked every 200ms... my eng. is bad too ^^
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    Вопросы по CLEO-скриптингу

    Hey can someone tell me how gcode made this anti Mousklick Spam in gProject Now im using a Timer to handle it but i need a better way ^^ I hope someone can tell me how he did it :) IF AND 0AB0: 1 32@ > 200 THEN 32@ = 0 IF 0AB1: CALL @is_cursor_here 4 start 1641 800...
  15. T

    Неактуально RakNet Logger and Checker Players

    Thanks man you`re the best :)