Недавнее содержимое от 25GHz

  1. 2

    Неактуально ACC - Anti Cheat Checking

    this is for SA:MP 0.3x R1.
  2. 2

    Неактуально ACC - Anti Cheat Checking

    cheers... great job bro.
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    Неактуально mod_sa 25GHz Project(Beta) For 0.3z RC2

    BUMP! updated to 0.3z RC4.
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    Неактуально mod_sa 25GHz Project(Beta) For 0.3z RC2

    since this samp version are in RC(beta) mode, and it gets contantly updated, it just doesn't worth it to make a ful update, so i just updated what's needed to work. so, it's in basic mode. you can fly, spawn guns, teleport, airbreak, spawn money(basically everything above GTA Patches). btw...
  5. 2

    Неактуально mod_sa 25GHz Project(Beta) For 0.3z RC2

    thanks for spreading it for me. ;)
  6. 2


    ezvid, camhunt, sony vegas?
  7. 2

    [mod_sa help] Nick Changer

    here, look at this function at sobeit: http://puu.sh/3TJ20 now look at this function at samp dll: timing out(losting connection): http://puu.sh/3TIxH http://puu.sh/3TICF leaving: http://puu.sh/3TISt so, dec: 500(hex: 0x01F4) will corectly close connection, any other value(default is 0)...
  8. 2

    [mod_sa help] Nick Changer

    the value of this function(possibly) isn't about "timing", but the value to push, that represent the function reason, so if you set it to 1, you will not disconnect properly from server, and then, the connection will timeout. ;)
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    [mod_sa help] Nick Changer

    disconnect( 1 ); will timeout your connection. use 500.
  10. 2

    [mod_sa help] Nick Changer

    "param" is a "char *" just like "setLocalPlayerName" function argument, so you don't need to convert to int and then to "char *" again. so, just... setLocalPlayerName(param); and the second argument of "addClientCommand" is a int, so you must not convert that void to char, but do it as an int...
  11. 2

    [mod_sa] Убираем лимит в 60 FPS

    weird... it doesn't makes much sense at all. but somehow, it makes shader rendering a little bit faster.